Tesla Motors, Inc. (NASDAQ: TSLA) – Tesla Hacker discovers cars could quickly identify each other, emergency services

Tesla Inc (NASDAQ: TSLA) Cars are some of the smartest on the road. The cars have some of the most advanced driver-assistant features, and can use the built-in cameras to identify people, stop signs, other cars and other objects in the real world.

Now, Tesla hacker @greentheonly has dug the code and discovered that Tesla’s cars will soon begin to identify, and display the other Teslas on screen, instead of a generic car as an SUV image. This will be done through the car’s camera system, or possibly some form of communication to cars.

When the code is examined, it also appears that emergency vehicles are eventually recognized, but the images were not yet fully present.

Benzinga’s Take: When people start finding these things in the public car code, it usually means the updates are right around the corner. Tesla always makes their cars better with software updates, just like a mobile phone.

While displaying other Teslas may not add to functionality, the car’s ability to identify emergency vehicles certainly feels like a step in the right direction for truly complete self-driving, which is Tesla’s ultimate goal.

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