‘Tenet’ reaches 30 45M + domestic, 307M WW before Cineworld and expected partial Regal shutdown – deadline

The city is still shocked by yesterday’s news of Cineworld’s indefinite shutdown of its UK theaters this coming week, and what we’re hearing now is that the U.S. The No. 2 chain seems to be Regal’s expected partial shutdown. Cineworld Radio remains silent.

On Friday, distributors received Regal’s message that 65 of their open40-400 sites, which are now open, will be temporarily closed from Monday, with another 500 hours a week. Regal locations that are closed are low-earning locations within a short mile of other large regal locations. Therefore, it is not yet fully certain if the entire Regal chain will shut down again for the long term. When the news broke last night that the whole Regal Circuit was dark; It was sudden news for their film buyers, who are really waiting for the official word for themselves. We will officially know what is happening tomorrow or Tuesday from Synworld / Regal. I mean, for the No. 2 spot Tenet As stated this past weekend that Regal had Irwin Spectrum in CA, Orange County, then why would the chain close all its locations? Currently, on funds you can still buy tickets for Irwin Spectrum this week and next week, so this is a potential sign that the whole Regal chain is not closed.

‘Tenet’ Top $ 300M Global; China National Day Photos 2020 WW Opener & IMX Set Records – International B Office X Office Fees

Hawks Pox, from left: Kathy Nazimi, Bett Middleler, Sarah Jessica Parker
Everett Collection / Disney

Overall, this sends a mixed message to moviegoers regarding whether or not their local movie theater is open. Currently, according to an NRG poll, about 50% of moviegoers in the states know that their local movie theater is open.

Yet the shutdown of Cineworld and Regal shows just how awful the state of performance is. Some distribution studio bosses believe the fall of the show could be blamed on New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who has not yet reopened the cinema, but reopened health clubs and casinos during the epidemic. If Regal goes dark, I’m told it’s a 18% hit on the domestic box office fee.

This morning a studio boss says, “Put Greedinger will fight for his life, and he is unfortunate that he is the third pay generation in the exhibition business. He needs a lifeline. ”

Some are assessing that SinWorld / Regal’s radio silence about certain urgent matters is due to efforts to streamline their finances. If their bondholders want to close them, it can put pressure on other performance bondholders (such as AMC) to push their hand in the same way.

Take note of that Tenet, Which created 7 2.7M (-21%) 6 per week for running .1 45.1 m Most theaters had a total of 12-week bookings. Many had expected that the movie would probably end with a સ્ટે 55M stateside, but that projection would now be thrown out by Regal’s affairs. In the UK, where Cinworld is closed, Tenet Has been reached .9 20.9 m, Which is only 26% to date DunkirkThe final in the country.8 80.8M cum.

One of the surprises this past weekend was the 1993 release of Betty Middler-Sarah Jessica Parker-Kathy Nazimi Family Come Madi Disney. Manipulation Which makes 9 1.925M. Nodh Tenet Always expected to win the weekend, and also won on Friday Manipulation games, 40 740K to $ 650K. Manipulation Always looking to take 2nd place.

No doubt, the expected Regal partial shutdown will immediately hurt independent distributors like Freestyle with movies in the future of October. 2 Hearts, Of the open road Honest Thief And 101 Studios’ War with grandfather, The latter which opens next week. However, if Regal remains partially open, there is a chance that these distributors will still receive 2,000 theater breaks in the opening week.

What some big studio distribution bosses think about Regal’s temporary close-down: theaters opened very soon, and very scattered, before New York and Los Angeles were online, and Tenet, Cerebral noir thriller which did not need to bring a stampede. Furthermore, we really need a Marvel, DC, or big IP movie to get a recurring return, and not just one movie, but a cluster of big movies followed by a nationwide marketing campaign (not digital). The fear is that if Disney The soul Thanksgiving is upon us, which means the holiday season is in full swing. Free cow, death on the Nile, Paramounts 2 America is coming, Sony / Screen Gems’ Room Escape 2, Warner Bros. ‘ Wonder Woman 1984 And legendary Dune; All of this together is the perfect recipe to bring back moviegoers, even if the box office fees end 2020, despite talks with New York State a week ago, where health officials are adamant about reopening movie theaters. . The buzz is that Los Angeles will reopen theaters by Oct. 16.

Save yourself!
Save yourself!
Blacker Street

Now the interesting thing about these frustrating times on office x office fees is that there are a lot of independent movies out there, from studio classic labels, to studio classic labels like Focus Features. Cajilioner With 2 in the weekend . 100K For neon Sundance pick-up, a total of 4 404K running at 547 theaters (+18) Pessar Cesar Uncut From Brandon Cronenberg (estimated at 6,216K), to Blicker Street’s sci-fi comedy Save yourself! Which created 1 141.6k No. 38 in 388 theaters. How is it? Essentially, this is the best time for an indie distributor to get screens, and its P&A is low. Even in the non-Newark City and Los Angeles flavor-producing markets that are not available, there is a risk-free fare that is now financially safe to leave. The need to build a crossover down the road. However, it is the big movies that make a living.

The Cineworld shutdown took place in London’s Sunday Times before and Variety reported that Regal would also be shut down. The WSJ said the Regal shutdown was “possible” with the official word from the chain tomorrow or Tuesday.

Pessar Cesar Uncut

Below is how the top 10 movies are made from deadline sources:

  1. Tenet (WB) 2,722 theaters (-128), 3-day 7 2.7M (-21%) / Total: .1 45.1M / Wk 6
  2. Manipulation (Dis) 2,570 theaters 9 1.925M/ Reprint Wk 1
  3. New mutants (20m / dis) 2,154 theaters (-151), 3-day M 1 m (-9%) / Total: .9 20.9M / Wk 6
  4. Unhinged (Souls) 2,023 (-159) 3-day 70 870K (-13%) / Total 18.4M / Wk 8
  5. Infidelity (Cloudburst) 1,792 (-93) 3-day screens 5 455K (-40%) / Total $ 3.4M: Wk 3
  6. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (’97 edition, dis / 20th) 3-day: 5 335K, (-63%) Total running: 3 293M / Wk 1,233
  7. Beatles (WB) 346 theaters, 3-day: $ 300K, running total 74m
  8. Broken Hearts Gallery (Sony) 2,00 (-41) 3-day 5 275K (-41%) / Total 3.7M / Wk 4
  9. Pessar Cesar Uncut (Neon) 320 theaters, 3-day 6 216K Estimate / Wk 1
  10. Break the silence (Trafal), 418 theaters (-14), 3-day 8 158,5K (-83%) Estimate / Wk 2.