Teen builds his own smart glasses (Video)

Mars Kapadia is 16 years old and at that young age he has achieved something that not many people have. He built his own smart glasses that some believe may have a future if his work is picked up by a tech company. According to Popular Mechanics, Kapadia, from Gilbert, Arizona, spent half a year on its prototype. The device consists of a blue pair of shades that is equipped with a cheap microprocessor called the Arduino Nano Every.
Kapadia has competed in a number of scientific scholarships and had built a prosthetic hand, and a mind-managed car. The smart glasses were Kapadia’s entrance to this 11th class fair. With his abilities, he has earned the right to criticize others, calling Snap’s Spectacles “strictly a video camera.” He also does not seem to point out that Google Glass had a defective screen.
The toe has his smart glasses on promoted on Reddit, Arduino’s blog, en YouTube. What made him choose smart glasses to build? Kapadia says: “I always found them interesting, but I never really saw a concept that was very intriguing until I saw The Avengers. That was when I saw the all-in-one glasses that literally could do anything … From then on, I knew I had to take all my experience and try to build it into one well-functioning, very advanced product. “
Because the teen genius used “Transparent Organic Light Emitting Diodes” for the display, its creation is the first TOLED glasses in the world. He used a pre-fabricated screen and a transparent display from SparkFun Electronics. Two tinted lenses were included so that Kapadia could flip them up and down allowing the device to be used at any time of the day. Bluetooth connects the device to its app and a lithium polymer battery keeps the lights on. The entire project cost a little over $ 200 to build.

The teen has tested his glasses and says he can suggest they be used by doctors or construction workers so they can read directions on the glasses that leave their hands free to work with. He hopes to patent the device and says, “These glasses, they replace [my] smartwatch and almost replaced my phone. So now I can keep the phone in my pocket as I walk, to see if I got a text or a call from my mom, or even if I wanted to see the news. “

Maybe one tech company working on smart glasses should sit down with this young man and see if he can bring something constructive to the table.