Ted Yoho resigns from Christian organization board after AOC incident

Chris Ford, Pan’s deputy director of strategic communications and campaigning for the world, confirmed Yoho’s resignation from CNN on Saturday night. The Florida congressman resigned Friday during a meeting with the organization’s board of directors, according to a Bread for the World statement.

“We believe that the recent actions and words of Representative Ted Yoho, as reported in the media, do not reflect the ethical standards expected of members of our Board of Directors,” the organization wrote in a statement.

“…[B]read sought his resignation as an action that reaffirms our commitment to unite with women and people of color, nationally and globally, as they continue to lead us to a more racially inclusive and equitable world. “

CNN has reached out to Yoho’s office for comment on his resignation from Bread for the World.

Yoho’s resignation comes after Ocasio-Cortez was allegedly heard calling him a “real fucking bitch.”

According to a reporter for The Hill, who heard initial comments, Yoho approached Ocasio-Cortez out of the House’s footsteps on Monday and sparked a conversation about his position on unemployment and crime in New York City. Yoho said she was “gross” and told her she was crazy, according to The Hill. Ocasio-Cortez said he was being rude, and Yoho said “f ** king bitch” as he walked away.

On Wednesday, Yoho apologized to the Chamber floor with Ocasio-Cortez for the “abrupt form of conversation” he had with her, but he denied using the vulgar term to describe her and said he was “well aware” of her language because I was married and a father. The Republican also said that “it is true that we do not agree with the policies and visions for the United States, but that does not mean that we should be disrespectful.”

Yoho’s office told CNN in a statement Tuesday that “a brief comment was made as he walked away summarizing what he thinks his policies are: bullsh * t.”

Ocasio-Cortez on Friday rejected Yoho’s claim that “no one was harassed, intimidated, or attacked” during their exchange this week, saying Yoho and a Republican legislator from Texas were lying while revealing new details about the viral incident.

“If he wants to keep lying, it’s his business,” Ocasio-Cortez told CNN on Friday.

In the interview, Ocasio-Cortez added more details about Yoho’s side before he allegedly called her a “fucking bitch.” Ocasio-Cortez was climbing the steps on the eastern side of the Capitol to vote on Monday afternoon when both Yoho and Texas Republican Representative Roger Williams approached her as they descended the steps.

Yoho erupted instantly and continued “to escalate the situation,” he said.

“Do you really think people shoot and kill each other because they are hungry? You know, you are amazing. You are disgusting,” Yoho said, according to Ocasio-Cortez, saying the Florida conservative was wagging his finger. to her

Ocasio-Cortez then said that “she tried to calm him down, but he didn’t.”

“And then I told him he was being rude and he got even more mad when I called him rude,” he said.

Yoho’s office did not respond to a request for comment from CNN. But speaking on Friday night on Fox News, Yoho said he did not call Ocasio-Cortez “unpleasant,” although a journalist heard him say it. And he argued that it was simply a political dispute.

“I asked him and I said, ‘Hey, do you have a minute?’ She says, “Yes.” And we’ve never had a conversation before, and I wanted to ask her about this policy that she was saying to people that it was okay to steal if you’re hungry. And from there she backed off. “

CNN’s Manu Raju, Haley Byrd, Ali Main and Nicky Robertson contributed to this report.
