Ted Yoho: Christian group gets resignation for Ocasio-Cortez attack | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

A nonpartisan Christian organization seeking to end hunger says it has asked for and received the resignation of Republican Congressman Ted Yoho from its board of directors, after what it called its “verbal attack” against Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Democratic congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez had accused Yoho of using a vulgar and sexist insult while rebuking her during a confrontation last Monday on the steps of the Capitol. Yoho said he did not use the words quoted, although a journalist who witnessed the incident confirmed the language as he described it.

In a statement Saturday, Bread for the World said its board met Yoho on Friday and sought his resignation “as an action that reaffirms our commitment to unite with women and people of color, nationally and globally, as they continue to guide us to a more racially inclusive and equitable world. “

On its website, Bread for the World says its “collective Christian voice” is putting pressure on Congress and the administration to end hunger nationally and globally.

“As a bipartisan Christian organization committed to alleviating hunger and poverty through sound public policies, Bread for the World defends the values ​​of respect, dignity and compassion that Jesus calls us to by involving decision makers from all over the political spectrum, “the statement said.

“We believe that the recent actions and words of Rep. Ted Yoho as reported in the media do not reflect the ethical standards expected of members of our Board of Directors.”

A Yoho spokesman did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment.

In an extraordinary speech in the House on Thursday, Ocasio-Cortez offered a dramatic account of the incident and expanded on his comments to attack what he called a sexist culture of “accepting violence and violent language against women.” More than a dozen colleagues joined her in interpreting the incident as all too common male behavior.

Yoho described the encounter as a brief policy discussion and said that “no one was harassed, intimidated, or attacked.” He expressed his regret at his “abrupt manner”.

Ocasio-Cortez, 30, is a progressive freshman who has received praise and criticism for her outspokenness. Yoho, 65, one of the most conservative members of the House, retires at the end of her fourth term.