Tamra judge split her army workout for a stage button at 52

  • Tamra Judge, 52, just shared a lower body workout on Instagram.
  • De Real housewives from Orange County alun used resistance bands to strengthen her gluten at her gym Cut Fitness.
  • Judge recently booked her cardio and cut back on sugar, alcohol and carbohydrates for “slower operation quarantine.”

    Tamra Judge is quitting her fitness routine this summer, and it shows. The former Real housewives from Orange County star just shared a lower body workout on Instagram using resistance bands, and it seems fiery.

    The short “booty workout” includes several exercises designed to “activate your gluten and control your hips through resistance training, allowing you to give a tightly lifted booty,” the judge wrote in the title.

    To begin with, she started on the floor with a resistance band above her knees. Maintaining a hip bridge keeps her level of exercise by closing and opening her legs to direct the gluten. Next, she performed some standing squats.

    This content is imported from Instagram. You may find the same content in a different format, or you may find more information on their website.

    After squats, Judge used a soft plyometric box to do some superman leg lifts with the straps for extra resistance. Next up, she straightened her abs by holding a side plank while opening and closing her legs. (Ouch.) Then she went back to the plyometric box for a wall sitting and hips pressed. To finish, she did squats with resistance bands around her legs and a bar on her shoulders.

    You probably think what we all think: this is fiery. Well, Judge is nice in her workouts. She and her fitness trainer husband Eddie Judge have Cut Cut in Orange County, so the two always ride the gym together. Plus, in July, she made a pact to increase her workout routine and clean up her diet for “surgery quarantine slim.” (No judgment if your quarantine looks different, however!)

    This content is imported from Instagram. You may find the same content in a different format, or you may find more information on their website.

    In the Instagram post, Judge shared some progress photos, plus videos of her recent workouts at her gym. ‘I cut carbs. No sugar! Reduced alcohol, reduced my caloric intake 😋 increased my cardio, increased my protein! She wrote in the title. “Today’s body fat is higher than I would like, but that will change with consistency. First week sucking but I am motivated. ”

    Go, Tamra!

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