Tamar Braxton on hospitalization, immense pressure from reality TV – Deadline

Tamar Braxton is speaking, almost two weeks after being hospitalized for what she now confirms was an attempt to end her life.

In a long, raw and emotional post on social media, Braxton wrote: “It was only God’s grace and mercy in my attempt to end my pain and my life that I am here to use my voice.”

She revealed that she had attempted suicide after suffering “pain” for the past 11 years while working in the entertainment industry as a reality star.

Braxton was hospitalized on July 16 after being found unconscious at a Los Angeles residence.

He started his post by thanking his fans for their support.

“In this present moment, it is my sole responsibility to be real with myself and to be real with those who really love me and care about my healing,” she wrote. “Without a doubt, I have shared with you my brightest days, and I know that sharing with you what has been the darkest will be the light for any man or woman who is feeling the same defeat that I felt just a week ago.” she wrote and shared with them “what has been my darkest will be the light for any man or woman who feels the same defeat that I felt just a week ago”.

Tamar Braxton’s new reality TV show postponed after hospitalization

Then he focused on the pressures of his career and his reality TV series.

“I believed that as a black woman, as an artist, an influence, a personality that could shape my world, and with whom I believed to be my partners, they could help me share my world,” Braxton wrote and continued. Say that “In the last 11 years, promises have been made to protect and portray my story, with the authenticity and honesty that I gave. I was betrayed, taken advantage of, overworked and underpaid. “She said she wrote” a letter more than 2 months ago asking to be released from what I believed was excessive and unfair. I explained in personal detail the disappearance I was experiencing. ” But, she says her cry for help was “totally ignored” and the “demands” on her persisted.

“It was my spirit and my soul that was most contaminated. There are some things that I trust the most to be, a good mother, a good daughter, a good couple, a good sister and a good person, “said Braxton.

Braxton went on to explain that he felt he “no longer lived” but “existed for the purpose of obtaining profits and ratings from corporations, and that killed me.”

Braxton stated that “mental illness is real” and that as a society “we have to normalize recognition and stop associating it with shame and humiliation.”

“The pain that I have experienced in the last 11 years has slowly decreased my spirit and my mentality,” he continued.

The singer / actress said she will now do “everything in my power to help people with mental illness, including those of us whose mental illness was only the result of systematic toxic slavery that inhabits television.”

Recently, television postponed its upcoming reality show Get Ya Life! after your hospitalization. Initially slated to premiere on July 30, it will now debut on September 10.

At that time, WE TV released the following statement:

“Tamar Braxton has been an incredibly important member of the WE television family for over a decade, and our first concern is her recovery and well-being. Given the current situation, we are postponing the premiere of ‘Tamar Braxton: Get Ya Life!’ until September 10. This series was conceived by Tamar and is a true portrait of a dynamic woman who juggles the demands of being a single mother, a new relationship, and her career. We know that when the time is right, fans of Tamar will relate to seeing this honest portrait of her life, but right now, we join her fans and send strength and healing in hopes that she will gain support. and help. she needs at this difficult time. “

Braxton also stars in WE tv’s Braxton Family Values ​​and presents To Catch a Beautician on VH1.

You can read Braxton’s full statement below.