Tag Archives: Vladimir Putin

Trump says he never asked Putin about Russian rewards

Washington President Trump revealed that during a recent phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, he did not raise the report. intelligence about a Russian military espionage unit offering rewards to Taliban-linked militants for killing US and coalition forces in Afghanistan. “No, it was a phone call to discuss other …

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Trump confirms he did not raise rewards with Putin

President TrumpDonald John TrumpBiden hits Trump’s ‘law and order’ message: he’s trying to ‘scare the devil’ out of people Pelosi hits Barr after testimony: ‘It was like a blot’ and Trump Schumer’s ‘henchman’: Trump should want COVID-19 deal to aid Republican election opportunities MORE this week confirmed that he never …

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Trump and Putin talk about coronavirus, gun control

President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke Thursday about the coronavirus pandemic and a possible three-country arms control agreement with China. “President Trump reiterated his hope of avoiding a costly three-way arms race between China, Russia and the United States and looked forward to advancing the upcoming arms control …

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