Tag Archives: science

Incredible amber fossils reveal the true colors of ancient insects

A fly caught in amber, showing its original coloration. Image: Chenyang Cai et al., 2020 Fossils rarely retain evidence of an organism’s original color, but these 99-million-year-old amber fossils found in Myanmar reveal the vibrant hues of another world. New investigation Published today in Proceedings of the Royal Society B …

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Cotton is better for homemade masks, study suggests

Photo: Geoffroy Van Der Hasselt (fake pictures) A new study led by the US government found that common materials like cotton can effectively filter out particles as small as coronavirus, especially in layers. The findings offer more evidence that homemade masks can slow the spread of the pandemic and possibly …

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Whale sharks have eyeballs covered in small teeth

A whale shark Image: AP (AP) Marine biologists in Japan say whale sharks have eyeballs covered in tiny teeth, in a unique discovery of this huge but gentle aquatic species Teeth are typically used to describe our upper canines.but new investigation published in PLOS One describes the teeth of one …

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