Tag Archives: Middle East

Ancient coffins in Egypt, statues found in Sakkara unveiled

Cairo (AP) – Egyptian antiquities officials on Saturday discovered at least 100 ancient coffins in a huge Pharaonic necropolis south of Cairo, some with mummies, and announced the discovery of as many as 40 gold statues. Colorful, sealed sarcophagi and statues that were buried about 2,500 years ago were displayed …

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In Iran, a huge cemetery struggles to contain the virus

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) – A huge cemetery on the edge of Iran’s capital for half a century will provide a final resting place for those killed in the country’s war, its celebrities and artists, its thinkers and leaders, and all those in between. But Bashesht-e-Zahra is now struggling to contain …

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Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat dies at 65

On admission to the hospital, he received intensive care, including a heart-lung machine (ECMO) and drug treatment provided by top specialists at Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, where he had been hospitalized since 18 October. “Fatah mourns his great national son, Dr. Erect,” reads a social media post by his …

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