Tag Archives: General news

Qualcomm Lobbying US to Sell Chips for Huawei 5G Phones: WSJ

PHILO PHOTO: Qualcomm’s logo unveiled at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, ​​Spain, 28 February 2017. REUTERS / Eric Gaillard (Reuters) – Chipmaker Qualcomm Inc. Lobbying US Government to Purchase Restrictions on Component Sales to Huawei Technologies Co. [HWT.UL], after the Chinese company was blacklisted by the United States, The Wall …

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Thousands protest in Poland demanding release of LGBT activist

WARSAW (Reuters) – Several thousand people waving rainbow flags protested on Saturday in central Warsaw demanding the release of an LGBT activist accused of hanging rainbow banners over statues and damaging an anti-abortion cart. . LGBT supporters protest in Warsaw, Poland 7 August 2020. Adam Stepien / Agencja Gazeta via …

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