Tag Archives: Donald trump

Trump has planned Arab, Israeli leaders for a royal historic deal

President Trump on Tuesday announced a “new Middle East dawn” as he hosted regional leaders to sign “Abraham agreements” normalizing relations between Israel and the two Arab states. The foreign ministers of the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain joined Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House South Lawn …

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Trump rejected the Nevada government with a rally near Las Vegas

President Trump held an indoor rally Sunday night at a warehouse outside Las Vegas where he called the state governor a “political hack” and urged him to “open up your state.” Speaking to thousands of supporters lined up inside Henderson’s plant, Trump targeted government Steve Sisolak – who organized a …

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Coronavirus cases are on the rise in 11 US states

About a dozen U.S. Cases of coronavirus continued to develop in the states, as the nation’s leading infectious disease specialist Dr. Anthony Fauci warns of alarming levels of new infections in the country. In 11 states as of Sunday, based on a weekly average to simplify daily reporting, Covid-19 cases …

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