Yves Donzallaz – SVP recommends that its own federal judge be eliminated – News



The SVP is not satisfied with one of its federal judges. Therefore, he no longer proposes the re-election of Yves Donzallaz.

The essentials in brief:

  • The SVP does not recommend one of its own federal judges, Yves Donzallaz, for reelection.
  • Donzallaz had approved several rulings in the past that were inconsistent with the party line. On Tuesday Donzallaz was heard by the SVP group.
  • With the votes of all the other parties in the Federal Assembly, reelection is still easily possible.

Yves Donzallaz was elected to the Supreme Court in 2008 at the proposal of the SVP. Now he has lost the favor of his own party due to sentences that were not on the party line. Finally, the decision to return the bank details to France again.

On Tuesday Donzallaz had to go to the SVP parliamentary group for a hearing. The verdict was strict. “We had an intense discussion about the task, the independence of the Federal Supreme Court, but also the task of the parliament,” says Gregor Rutz, SVP national councilor of Zurich.



According to Rutz, the values ​​of Donzallaz and the SVP have diverged too much.

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The federal court is made up proportionally to the party’s forces, the parliament is the electoral body. “A narrow majority came to the conclusion that we cannot recommend Mr. Donzallaz for re-election because our values ​​have simply diverged too far,” Rutz said.

“It endangers the independence of the judiciary”

The SVP wanted to know from Donzallaz how he saw the relationship between national law and international law. And if you still share the values ​​of the SVP.

A judge should not let his political stance guide him, says Donzallaz. “Our life experience shapes the way we see the world. And all our experiences, both positive and negative, unconsciously influence the way we judge the situations we face as judges. “



Donzallaz does not want to follow any principles to stay on the party line.

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That is inevitable and is something completely different from consciously following an idea or a principle to stay in line with a match. “This is something completely different. And that endangers the independence of the judiciary.”

SRF Bundeshaus Editor Reviews Erwin Schmid

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With its decision, the SVP undermines the separation of powers in the country. The message for the judges in Lausanne is clear: Anyone who does not pass judgments according to the party line in the future risks losing their job.

At the same time, however, the case reveals another problem. In other words, in Switzerland, the parties are proposed by the highest judges who are then elected. This ensures that all ideologies and worldviews are represented in Lausanne, but it also means that judges can come under political pressure.

Until now, the solution has been judges who do not allow themselves to be pressured and parties who exercise their political responsibility. Obviously, the latter cannot always be assumed.

With the votes of all the other parties in the Federal Assembly, federal judge Donzallaz can still comfortably be re-elected on September 23.
