What you need to know about the new rapid tests in Aargau – Canton (Aargau) – Aargau


1) How does the new rapid antigen test work?

As with the PCR test, the nasopharynx must be cleaned. The smear material is then placed in a test kit. If the virus proteins are present, it triggers a color or fluorescence reaction, as in the pregnancy test. It takes 30 minutes from sampling to availability of the test result.

2) For which people is the rapid test used?

The rapid test is mainly performed on people with typical Covid symptoms (cough, sore throat, fever, loss of sense of smell or taste). The onset of symptoms must not have been more than four days ago. People who are hospitalized or who are at special risk, for example residents of nursing homes, should still have a PCR test if they have symptoms. The same applies to people who work in the healthcare sector. The rapid test is only used for people without symptoms if they have received a warning from the Covid app or, in certain exceptional situations, if a doctor prescribes a test.

The onset of symptoms must not have been more than four days ago for the test.

The onset of symptoms must not have been more than four days ago for the test.

3) Who performs the rapid tests?

Hospitals, doctor’s offices, testing centers, and pharmacies can buy and offer rapid tests. It is up to them to decide whether to offer the tests to their patients. According to canton doctor Yvonne Hummel, more than 45 service providers have received rapid tests in Aargau since November 2; including hospitals, the Baden Institute of Occupational Medicine and family doctors. Hummel appreciates the fact that testing is offered in as many locations as possible.

4) Are rapid tests already in use?

The tests are already used in hospitals and general practitioners’ offices. The Aarau Cantonal Hospital has been using them since Monday. It takes a little longer before tests can be done in pharmacies. Pharmacists must first register with the canton and demonstrate that the staff have received the appropriate training. Lukas Korner, president of the Aargau Pharmacists Association, says there will be training courses this week. In a first step, some pilot pharmacies would offer the tests, and then there will be more and more. “Between 40 and 50 pharmacies in Aargau, about half, you can imagine offering tests.” When the first pharmacy can offer tests also depends on when the canton reports on the protection concept requirements and how quickly the tests are delivered. “If that happens quickly, we will be ready by the end of next week,” says Korner.

“Pharmacists need time to wait”: Lukas Korner, president of the Association of Pharmacists of Aargau, in an interview on rapid tests:

"Pharmacists need waiting time": Lukas Korner, President of the Association of Pharmacists of Aargau, in an interview on rapid tests

5) What happens after the quick test?

The tested person will be informed of the result as soon as it is available. If the test is positive, the person must be isolated. The pharmacist or doctor will explain exactly what that means. In addition, the Federal Office of Public Health and the Cantonal Contact Location Center (Conti) are informed of the positive result. Conti employees also get in touch with the infected. However, currently there may be delays due to high load. If the health of an infected person deteriorates, the canton doctor advises seeking medical help. “The doctor’s offices are the right place for these cases.”

6) Can the rapid test be done at home?

A nose and ear smear should be performed by a specialist. The canton verified the use of mobile test equipment in the first wave, but rejected the idea again. According to canton doctor Yvonne Hummel, cooperation with Spitex organizations is currently under discussion. Currently, however, the testing criteria of the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) speak against it. “Spitex cares primarily for the elderly, sick or debilitated. Currently, BAG requires a PCR test for this group of people. “Also, there is currently no provision for nurses to perform the tests.

According to canton doctor Yvonne Hummel, there could be cooperation with Spitex organizations.

According to canton doctor Yvonne Hummel, there could be cooperation with Spitex organizations.

7) The Canton of Zurich builds and finances test centers and uses rapid tests there. Will that also happen in Aargau?

No. As a canton of regions, Aargau is quite unsuitable for this, says Hummel. The canton doctor also states that the Covid-
The crisis will occupy you for many months, perhaps even a few years. Therefore, the care of Covid patients must be increasingly integrated into existing medical structures. “It is more sustainable than creating new offers.”

8 How much does the rapid test cost and who pays for it?

The quick test costs 80 francs. The test is free for the person examined, as long as he meets the testing criteria of the Federal Office of Public Health. Anyone who simply wants to get tested for “Gwunder” without the risk of infection or symptoms present must pay the costs themselves.

The new quick test costs 80 francs and is usually free.

The new quick test costs 80 francs and is usually free.

9) Is the rapid test reliable?

Federal studies have concluded that rapid tests detect infected people with symptoms within the first four days of symptom onset very reliably. The sensitivity is 87 percent. The test detects 87 out of 100 people infected with Covid-19, making the rapid test slightly less reliable than the PCR test. Canton Hummel says, “Reliability is very high, especially in patients with symptoms that started less than four days ago.” Many viruses are produced at this stage of the disease, so even a less sensitive test gives a very reliable result.

10) What does the canton expect from rapid tests?

The main objective in the current epidemiological situation with more and more infected people is to be able to evaluate all symptomatic people, says the doctor from the canton Hummel. “In such a way that we can obtain a reliable statement in the fastest and most reliable way possible.” He hopes that thanks to the rapid tests, more people can be tested. Since no external laboratory is required for evaluation, the test can also be offered in a much more comprehensive and decentralized way. “This is an advantage for people with symptoms because the tests are available close to home.” On the contrary, according to Hummel, rapid tests relieve laboratories. “It also takes less time to get the result of a PCR test. In this sense, people belonging to the risk group also indirectly benefit from rapid tests. “

Sebastian Haubitz, head of the test center at Aarau Cantonal Hospital, also hopes that rapid tests will further increase the willingness of the population to take the test, “after long waiting times in many places have led to resentment and a decreased willingness to perform the test “.

The main objective is to be able to evaluate all symptomatic people.

The main objective is to be able to evaluate all symptomatic people.

11) How many tests are available in Aargau?

Rapid tests are not available indefinitely. They are subject to a fee. The federal government has secured 1.5 million rapid tests for Switzerland. These are distributed to the cantons based on the number of inhabitants. In the canton of Aargau, eight percent of these tests, or 120,000, arrive. The fee is very high, says the doctor from the canton Hummel. “Ideally, no one will realize that the evidence is limited.”
