Weltwoche shoots hard at Sandro Brotz for Liestal’s tweet


Sandro Brotz (51) had to endure a wave of hatred. Over the weekend, the moderator of “Arena” made public the insults that flooded him. The obstacle was his tweet about the anti-crown demonstrations: “Those who demonstrate against the crown measures are the same ones who would not have to demonstrate against them if they consistently adhere to the measures,” Brotz wrote on Twitter on Saturday. And then he joked, “But that’s probably too high for flat-earth ones.” This signifies a movement that believes the earth is flat and is often close to opponents of the measures.

The “Weltwoche” is angry with this tweet. In the latest issue of the magazine, he now sharply shoots the SRF man. “Do you allow yourself to be a front man for public broadcasting in such a derogatory way about those who think differently?” Asks “Weltwoche”. And furthermore: “Corona’s skeptics may be a minority. But there are hundreds of thousands of citizens who, many of them gritting their teeth, pay Sandro Brotz’s salary.”

Published: 03/25/2021, 7:59 pm
