On Sunday there was a fatal helicopter crash on the Breithorn. The emergency call arrives at Air Zermatt shortly before 8 pm
Rescuers immediately leave with a helicopter and undertake a search flight over the mountain. But despite the use of reflectors, night vision devices and infrared, the use is difficult. Total darkness, wind, and rising fog obstruct the viewfinder. Furthermore, the emergency signal transmitted automatically from the crashed machine only provides imprecise data. That is why support air traffic control continues to obtain new coordinates for the alleged accident site.
The helpers spent an hour trying to find their way to the crashed helicopter from the air. Then a search team from the Zermatt rescue station set out on foot and on a snowmobile, supported by Italian colleagues. Late at night at 11.30pm they finally find the wreckage of the crashed helicopter.
The victim is a 59-year-old Italian.
“Completely unexpectedly for everyone involved, a man survived the accident and was rescued from the wreck after approximately seven and a half hours in the snow,” said an Air Zermatt statement on Monday. It turns out that the machine had already crashed around 4 pm The rescued person – according to Italian media is the pilot of the machine – was rescued after more than seven hours on the mountain and taken to the hospital in Bern.
For a 59-year-old Italian who was also in the helicopter at the time of the accident, any help came too late. He died in the accident. (Cat man)