New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (62) has had an intense exchange of views with the President of the United States, Donald Trump (72), on responsibilities in the fight against the crown pandemic.
Cuomo held his daily press conference on Friday and, among other things, asked Washington for more money when Trump tweeted: “Governor Cuomo should spend more time” doing “and less time” complaining. ” Get out and do the job. Stop talking!
Since the corona virus came to the US USA And New York became an access point, Cuomo has been able to raise his profile nationally. Not least because the governor relies more on scientific facts than opinions. In contrast to the president.
Should I send you flowers?
When asked about Trump’s tweet, Cuomo criticized at the press conference: “If you’re sitting at home and watching television, you should get up and go to work.”
He also asked rhetorically how often he should thank Washington for the help he has provided so far in the crisis, after all, that was Trump’s job. “I don’t know what to do: send a bouquet of flowers?”
Nor did he need the president to read his rights as governor. Only the heads of government of the United States would decide on the opening of society and the economy in the pandemic.
Zoff for Trump’s closing hours
The background to this is an exchange of blows between the US president. USA And several governors on the responsibilities to alleviate the measures imposed due to the crown pandemic.
Trump had announced Thursday a plan to gradually return to normal in three phases and gradually reopen the economy.
Trumps also criticized via Twitter that New York had received additional beds, previously unused in federally funded emergency clinics. Cuomo replied, “If you want to point the finger at someone because we have more beds than we need, our only mistake was believing in your numbers.” This will not happen again. (SDA)