How bad will the second wave get? And when will the vaccine arrive? Virologist Karin Moelling speaks on “NZZ Standpunkte” about new findings, the end of the pandemic, and why it is wrong to lock people up in their apartments.
After a relaxed summer in Corona, a harsh winter is coming: the number of infections is increasing, the restrictions are increasing again. A vaccine could help, but when will it arrive? German virologist Karin Moelling cautions against exaggerated expectations: “We have never produced a vaccine for three billion people. That will lead to problems. “Moelling, who has not shaken hands for twenty years, knows what she is talking about: she was director of the Institute for Medical Virology at the University of Zurich and did research at the Max Planck Institute in Berlin for more Twenty-year-old In the latest issue of “NZZ Standpunkte” with NZZ Editor-in-Chief Eric Gujer and political philosopher Katja Gentinetta, Moelling talks about anti-vaccination campaigns and explains how Chinese people protect themselves from the virus with condoms .
There are a lot of things we don’t know yet, Moelling says. Although scientific publications are currently in a rush, not all questions have been answered. There are elderly patients who leave the hospital completely healthy after a week, while others die within a few days. The factors that favor the spread are also continuously updated. Air pollution in big cities certainly contributes to this, Moelling says, and the living situation also has a big influence. The Sars virus was able to spread in China in 2003, especially in the elevators of high-rise buildings. If you live on the 20th floor, you can’t just use the stairs, Moelling says. Since then, he has observed a new phenomenon: Many Chinese bought condoms, not to have sex, but to put one on their finger before pressing a button in the elevator.
The coronavirus is yet another category: “I have lived through many pandemics, but what is happening now I did not think was possible,” says the expert. The virus is faster and more infectious than originally thought – ten times more contagious than the flu. That exceeded all expectations. “The pandemic escaped us.” However, he believes that it is a mistake for citizens to lock themselves in their apartments for that. People should get some fresh air, he says. That is healthier. The sun destroys many viruses with its ultraviolet light, and the air dilutes their concentration. Therefore, the risk is significantly higher in apartments.
Opponent of the vaccine? Putin shows how it’s done
In an interview, Moelling is also an advocate for viruses: “We only see them as pathogens, they drive evolution and they are part of our genetic makeup.” Our cells learned from them, for example, how to fight other viruses. There has never been in history that a species like man subjugates everything. Viruses now force us to pause to think. “Show us the teacher.” There is only one thing they will never do: exterminate us. “If we keep our distance, they won’t catch up with us.”
The trio is also discussing the new vaccines. Even if Moelling cautions against exaggerated expectations, she is overwhelmed by recent successes. “I come from AIDS research, we have not found a vaccine in forty years.” The HI virus is escaping researchers with its high mutation rate. It is different with the corona virus. It mutates much less quickly. Therefore, it is possible to generate antibodies artificially and thus protect the population. “I hope we are on the mountain by the end of next year.”
Eric Gujer wants to know from his guest how to convince the growing number of skeptics to get vaccinated. Moelling exposed people hopes that they will publicly point out the importance. A good example is Vladimir Putin: he had his daughter treated with the Russian crown vaccine. “That shows everyone: Putin wants to protect his daughter.” Also, it is important to avoid confusion, as in the spring with masks. “Instead of telling people back then that they could sew their own masks or that they would hardly be of use, one should have honestly said: we don’t have any.” You need to clearly inform the public. This is the only way to fight a pandemic.