German physician Christian Drosten (48), chief virologist of the Berlin Charité, advises constant cautious behavior in the corona pandemic. To protect others from infection, one must behave as if one were infected: “It would be better if we all pretended we are infected and want to protect others from infection.” Drosten told the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” that. The tables can also be turned: you can pretend that “the other is infected and we want to protect ourselves. Our behavior results from this.
The pandemic does not end at Easter
According to Drosten, the situation is not expected to normalize anytime soon. He is convinced that the pandemic does not end at Easter: “One thing is certain: the pandemic does not end at Easter. But by summer at the latest, our lives may change significantly for the better, if we can now control the increasing number of infections.
Relief through rapid tests
He calls the rapid tests, which should be available soon, an important step in dealing with the virus crisis. He expects some improvement in the situation if the tests are used widely: At-risk groups could be screened “very regularly and with a low threshold,” according to Drosten. “Also, you can determine not only if someone is infected, but also if they are infectious. That could make it easier to handle quarantine or contact bans. “For example, then it would be conceivable to terminate isolation prematurely. Drosten also hopes that the widespread use of testing could facilitate Christmas celebrations with the family. (Kes)