Unrealistic: According to statistics, a household can save an average of 1,589 francs per month – Switzerland


(from) A household in this country consists of an average of 2.16 people. In 2018, his disposable income was 7,069 francs a month. This shows the figures released by the Federal Statistical Office on Monday. The Swiss average, however, is misleading. More than 60 percent of households had lower incomes.

Overall, a household recorded monthly expenses for goods and services of 5,296 francs. Every seventh franc is spent on life and energy, that is, 1,456 francs. Almost 12 percent of income is spent on taxes.

After all expenses, a household has a monthly amount of 1,589 francs left. Households in the lowest income bracket, with a gross income of less than 5,000 Swiss francs, could not save any contribution to savings. These households often spend more money than they receive. The FSO explains this with the relatively high proportion of pensioned households in which part of the budget is financed with their assets.
