Travelers from at-risk countries – Federal Task Force discusses shortening quarantine period – News


  • The crown’s federal task force is discussing reducing the quarantine time for travelers from risky countries from 6 to 7 days.
  • This is confirmed by epidemiologist and task force member Marcel Tanner in SRF’s “Club” program.
  • A negative corona test would be a condition for an abbreviated quarantine.

The Federal Council will decide whether the quarantine rules for travelers will be relaxed and whether the quarantine period can be shortened. However, it relies on the Covid working group, among other things. On Tuesday afternoon, members of the task force were at the Federal Office of Public Health to discuss whether it would be possible to shorten the quarantine.

ETH professor and task force member Sebastian Bonhoeffer concludes in a recently published article that it would be possible to shorten the quarantine in combination with corona tests.

Understanding business demands

“Yes, we see it scientifically”, confirms the member of the Working Group Marcel Tanner in the program “Club”. The task force understands the demands of business and the travel industry for a shorter quarantine period.

“The specific suggestion that you have now analyzed based on the document is that you can safely shorten the quarantine if you do the necessary tests. Maybe for seven days. But you can do the test on the sixth day and see if it would be good if the test was negative, “says Tanner.

So the task force is working on it and is proposing to shorten the quarantine to six or seven days. Anyone entering Switzerland from a corona-risk country has to go into quarantine for ten days.
