The government wants to reintroduce the ban on begging


He wants a corresponding motion of the Grand Council transferred for fulfillment. But that is not enough for her. At the same time, the government announced Tuesday that it wanted to combat the exploitation of people caused by begging. Their role model is the so-called “Bern Model”, which aims to combat human trafficking.

The government now wants to examine whether additional resources are needed to focus on fighting human trafficking. In addition, additional assistance would be verified, it says in the statement.

The beggars rose again

The general ban on begging in the canton of Basel-Stadt was lifted on July 1. Since then, only group begging has been prohibited in the city canton’s crime law. Since then, more and more Romanian beggars have appeared in Basel. However, according to the government, proving that they are gang members is “complex and time consuming.”

The Grand Council only referred a motion from the SVP to the government on October 21 to reinstate the begging ban with 48 votes to 45. The Director of Justice and Security, Baschi Dürr, promised Parliament at the time that he would present a proposal very quickly.

When it comes to begging, the government continues to see the right path in a fundamentally restrictive legal situation. The canton police should implement this pragmatically, as the message says.
