Joe Biden wins the US presidential election, but Donald Trump remains stubborn and does not want to recognize the election. Meanwhile, people mock Donald Trump’s election online.
The Statue of Liberty is certainly glad he’s gone:
And the Trump memes began😂😂😂😂😂😂 pic.twitter.com/LcsvoTCLMD
– Adwoa Noella (@AdwoaNoella) November 7, 2020
Very old, Donald, really:
Give me your Trump losing the electoral memes! pic.twitter.com/mHcsyUBgu4
– Zombie ✨ BLACK LIVES MATTER✨ (@Zombie_GirlieTV) November 7, 2020
An artistic meme:
The best comment on the American elections so far … pic.twitter.com/Ac8bDR6tTY
– Littlewisehen (@littlewisehen) November 7, 2020
This meme is only understood by fans of the video game «Among Us»:
Between us Trump losing
Election memes– Sam (@feelinglike_sam) November 7, 2020
Or how about a parody of the classic movie “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”:
Twitter is awash with Trump memes. This is my favorite 😅#GoodbyeTrump #YOU ARE FIRED pic.twitter.com/1iiZQXEdNm
– Kiran Kumar (@ kk4kirankumar) November 7, 2020
A reference to his tweet that the vote count needs to be stopped:
My phone is full of various trump memes😭 pic.twitter.com/rU5GgTuvIG
– Whattsserrname (@whattsserrname) November 7, 2020
Donald Trump would certainly be great playing the lottery:
A meme for all Star Wars fans:
#BestEpisode_EVER pic.twitter.com/n7oJx9BrhE
– Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) November 7, 2020
The circus is over:
A little older, but quite funny when you think about the situation in January when Trump had to leave the White House:
Trump discovered on the golf course that he had been expelled from office:
Leadership bunker pic.twitter.com/oMfHr9jT2n
– Karpi (@karpi) November 7, 2020
Trumpsche Logik:
Trump’s legal team has prepared an affidavit to present to judges at all levels showing evidence of Trump on November 3. @ eleven: 52pm WON pic.twitter.com/YYyTI4iizV
– Gerry Flood (@ gerryflood8) November 8, 2020
And last but not least: a speech by Joe Biden (Jim Carrey) on the outcome of the election:
(Video: Youtube / Saturday Night Live)