For a long time, the Swiss business association Economiesuisse resisted tougher measures to contain the corona pandemic. But with the number of cases now stable, rising slightly to a high level, he is now changing his stance. Unlike the trade association, the director of Economiesuisse believes that further adjustment is inevitable. “We can’t wait any longer”, says Monika Rühl (57), director of Economiesuisse, in front of the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”.
The main focus is on the stability of the health system. “If the numbers don’t drop significantly soon, the hospitals won’t last until spring,” Rühl said. The situation is dire.
No other option
Therefore, more measures are needed. Even if they hurt the economy. “We have no other choice,” says Rühl. In the long run, it’s better this way. The longer you wait, the tougher the measurements should be.
Although Rühl is also self-critical, he hopes for further action. “What does the Federal Council want to wait for?” Asks Rühl. Specifically, you want to prioritize personal responsibility. But experience has shown that this is not enough. Of course, we would prefer protection concepts. But closing the restaurant is a very effective measure, ”says Rühl. Unfortunately, she does not see less painful measurements.
Planning security should be here
In addition, the number of customers in stores could be reduced. This is already the case in many places. Rühl wants to further reduce the number of customers. Furthermore, clear criteria for hardening measures should be introduced. “That improves the security of planning for the economy,” says Monika Rühl.
The economist and director of the economic research agency Jan-Egbert Sturm (51) goes even further than Rühl. He demanded a lock on BLICK. “Switzerland has waited and argued a lot, now there is no other way” (lui)