The Council of States wins the SVP in the framework agreement


The Council of States wins the SVP in the framework agreement

The SVP parliamentary group demanded an extraordinary session on the framework agreement with the EU. The Council of States does not want to discuss it. He closed the debate on Thursday with a motion accepted to regulate.

The request to forward the two SVP proposals proposed to the framework agreement to the commission for preliminary examination fell by 23 to 14 votes and 6 abstentions. Ruedi Noser (FDP / ZH) submitted the request.

Paul Rechsteiner (SP / SG), who supported the proposed regulation, noted that the Council of States approved a motion on the matter about a year ago. He demanded that additional negotiations be carried out on controversial points of the negotiated institutional agreement. The Federal Council is in the process of implementing this concern.

Sharp words

Two motions were not discussed in the Council of States. One requires that the clarifications be recorded in the text of the contract. With a second motion, the SVP parliamentary group demands not to sign the institutional agreement with the EU, to cancel the project and to communicate it to the EU clearly and unequivocally. Both proposals were clearly rejected by the National Council on Wednesday.

“He is not willing to discuss this issue today,” said the motivational leader Hannes Germann (SVP / SH) soberly. But a debate is necessary. The longer Parliament waits, the more difficult it will be to make corrections to the treaty, “and the more difficult it will be to press the reset button.”

Thomas Minder (not party / SH) reacted more outraged. He called Noser’s motion to order “quite cheeky.” The right to an extraordinary session is a minority right. Canceling this is “more than a joke” and “a joke”.

Chancellor Ignazio Cassis traditionally did not comment on the content of the proposed regulation. “The Federal Council is ready for you, but you decide if you want to debate it.” The Council of States did not want to. (aeg / sda)


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