Family members in homes, rehabilitation clinics, or psychiatric clinics may soon be visited again whenever possible. The basic ban on visiting Aargau becomes a controlled right of visit. Aargau’s state chancellery announced on Friday.
The houses themselves decide whether visitors will be welcomed again, and when they do, strict conditions apply. Visitors must login and register for traceability. A health checklist must also be completed. The visit should also take place in controlled and protected meeting areas. Federal hygiene and protective measures are also mandatory. To comply with all these measures, individual institutions have to develop a concept of visitation.
Hospitals are not affected by relaxation. Visits are still prohibited in these. Hospital administration may approve exceptions.
Specifically, the following rules apply to individual types of institutions:
Acute hospitals:
Hospital visits continue to be fundamentally prohibited. In factual cases, generally or in individual cases, the hospital administration may authorize visits, for example, for parents of hospitalized children, couples of women who are giving birth or who have recently given birth, or for family members more close to the dying. Restaurants or cafes with public access remain closed to third parties.
Rehabilitation clinics:
A controlled visitation right applies if the management of the clinic considers that the relaxation based on the patient population and the current situation are justifiable. Otherwise, the regulation applies analogously to acute care hospitals. Publicly accessible restaurants or cafeterias may open with a protection concept, provided that the clinic administration considers the opening to be justifiable due to the patient population and the current situation.
A controlled visitation right applies. Restaurants or cafeterias with public access can open with a concept of protection, provided that the management of the clinic considers that the opening due to the current situation is acceptable to the patient.
Nursing homes:
A controlled visitation right applies if the home administration considers that a loosening is justifiable due to the current situation. Otherwise, a general prohibition of visits applies, with the possibility that the administration of the home, in general or in individual cases, can approve visits in justified cases in fact, so that the relatives can visit a dying person, for example. The regulation on controlled visitation rights applies to persons authorized to make exceptions.
Restaurants or cafeterias with public access can open with a protection concept, provided that the administration of the home considers that the opening is justifiable due to the current situation. (mgt)