Testosterone depressants may protect men from Covid-19


Testosterone depressants may protect men from Covid-19

Men are more likely to have a more serious illness with Covid-19 than women worldwide. A study of prostate cancer patients suggests that testosterone reducers may inhibit a culprit enzyme.

About 60 percent of people hospitalized for Covid-19 in Switzerland are men. Testosterone depressants could counteract this imbalance. Image: shutterstock.com

According to the Robert Koch Institute, 56 percent of crown deaths in Germany are men, although more women are infected with the virus. This imbalance is even more pronounced in other countries: in Switzerland, 60 percent of people hospitalized are men, as can be seen in a BAG report published on May 12.

The gender-specific difference between the immune systems is already known: Female estrogen helps the body react faster and more sustainably to viral infections. A recently published European study in the “European Heart Journal” now suggests that two enzymes play a key role in fighting the virus. One of these could significantly advance the search for a drug against Covid-19.

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The first enzyme

The first enzyme, which has the melodic name ACE2, is generally present in higher concentrations in the blood in men than in women. The coronavirus requires ACE2 to penetrate cells through receptors, multiply there, and pass to the lungs. In other words: The enzyme makes it easier for the virus to attack healthy cells. The higher blood values ​​in men could explain their greater susceptibility and mortality to Covid-19.

ACE2 is particularly common in lung tissue. This suggests why Covid-19 causes such severe symptoms once the virus reaches the lungs. It also occurs increasingly in the heart, kidneys, and veins, and especially in the testicles. A study published in April 2020 indicates that SARS and MERS have already used the same enzyme to spread in human cells.

The second enzyme

The second enzyme, which has the relentless name TMPRSS2, can also promote the penetration of the coronavirus into cells. A new study by ETH Zurich and the Swiss University of Switzerland (USI) now suggests that tMedications that reduce theseterone can protect men from Covid-19.

Studies show that male prostate patients on hormonal therapy are relatively rare and have milder courses of disease with Covid-19. None of the examined patients died from the new virus. The ETH writes: “Prostate cancer patients were four times less likely to get Sars-CoV-2 if they received hormone therapy.”

The reason for this is the TMPRSS2 that we already know. The protein is particularly highly concentrated in prostate cancer. Therefore, it is artificially lowered along with the testosterone level. This inhibition means that coronaviruses are less able to bind to receptors and penetrate cells.

According to the study, it is conceivable that testosterone-lowering medications, taken over a limited period of time, may protect even men without Covid-19 prostate cancer or a more severe course of the disease.

However, according to the researchers, such drugs can only be used preventively if other studies can confirm their effectiveness. In Switzerland, research is currently underway on around 300 known drugs that could be used against Covid-19.

The summary of the situation in Switzerland:


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