Due to the continuing pandemic of the crown, Novak Djokovic unexpectedly has plenty of time to devote himself to other things besides tennis. However, the Serb doesn’t seem to get this extra free time very well. He gets caught up in crazy theories and surprises his fans with confusing statements.
Emotions and water
In a live Instagram conversation with self-proclaimed alchemist Chervin Jafarieh, Djokovic talks about health and nutrition for an hour and a half. No one can guess in which direction the discussion will unfold. The tennis star seems to be particularly excited about the connection between water and human emotions. Djokovic philosophizes: «One must drink water very deliberately. I know people who, through this energy transformation, the power of prayer or gratitude, have made the healthiest food or the dirtiest water the healthiest. “
Already confused? Don’t worry, fortunately the 32-year-old man explains his thoughts a little more precisely, based on scientific knowledge. “Scientists’ experiments have shown that water molecules react to our emotions and what we say,” said Djokovic. For this reason, it is important when you sit at the table and eat that you leave the smartphone outside. Even heated discussions have a negative impact on food.
Djokovic talks about his theories around the head and neck. His Iranian interlocutor always encourages him and resumes his explanations. Jafarieh explains: “Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist, discovered that water acquires a different molecular structure depending on whether you have positive thoughts. This creates a symmetry, a balance. However, if you add pain, fear, frustration, or anger to the water, break it.
“Such claims are dangerous”
As the two amateur philosophers move into a completely separate world, question marks appear in rows in the minds of countless viewers. And they get angry. Djokovic has to listen to some criticism for the absurd discussion with the alchemist.
“We know he believes in meditation and alternative medicine,” says former tennis player Mary Carillo on the “Tennis Channel,” adding: “But I am deeply surprised that Djokovic and this other guy say you can use toxic water.” Becoming Drinking Water Such claims are dangerous. As number 1, you have a certain responsibility and therefore you need to be careful what you say. Other users also see it that way. Some even agree that Djokovic has finally destroyed his image with these statements.
What does the Serbian say about the shit storm? The fact is: it is not the first time for him in recent weeks that he has set foot on it. End of april he announced himself as an opponent of vaccination and made it clear that he did not want to be vaccinated against the coronavirus. When he was vehemently reprimanded by the experts and his colleagues, Djokovic responded. He appealed to his right to address issues that directly affect the world of tennis. An argument that, in the case of his theories on emotional water, is unlikely to attract … (jk)