To cushion the crown crisis with 200 Swiss francs per capita: this is what the PS proposes for the post-pandemic period. “All 8.5 million Swiss residents should receive a voucher worth CHF 200,” says Roger Nordmann (47), SP leader.
The SP takes into account that coupons can be issued in supermarkets, but not for online electronic purchases. That supports the household budget. The state should pay for that. According to Nordmann, that would cost the federal government 1.7 billion francs. “That is little compared to the previous support money.”
Strategy document for the economy.
In its strategy paper for the economy, the SP makes a number of other suggestions on how the economy could be re-boosted after Corona. Social Democrats are in favor of investment programs for the climate, digitization and the health sector. Health insurance premiums in particular are a burden on households. Therefore, the party proposes to freeze premiums in 2021 at this year’s level.
SP National Councilor and former Juso chief Tamara Funiciello (30) is also fighting for a “feminist economic stimulus package.” In the crisis, systematically relevant professions, which are often carried out by women, and poorly paid, would be rediscovered. Therefore, an economic stimulus program should focus on paid and unpaid care work in the so-called women’s professions.
SP wants À-fund-perdu loans
In the medium term, the SP requires that interest-free loans from the Federal Council do not have to be repaid. She also wants the federal government to step in for commercial rentals. Because even if the store is closed, the rent still has to be paid in most cases. Y: The SP also wants more money from the federal government for daycare.
The SP also argues that companies that benefit from short-term work do not pay dividends. “That must be forbidden!” Says party leader Christian Levrat (49).
Investment crisis fund
The SP wants to get the money for the investments of companies and high-income workers, among others. It temporarily requires a 10 percent higher federal income tax rate of 300,000 Swiss francs, full dividend tax, an inheritance tax of 10 million Swiss francs and a solidarity tax on companies and large assets. The money must flow into a fund from which the costs of the crisis will be covered.
Without fiscal measures, austerity programs are needed to increase the economic impact of the crisis, says Levrat. Excludes higher contributions to unemployment insurance, a premium or an increase in VAT.
The corona virus currently occupies the whole world and there are new developments every day. All current information and figures on the subject are available in the Coronavirus ticker.
Recommendations from the Federal Office of Public Health on how you can protect yourself:
Hygiene measures
- Wash your hands regularly with soap and water and / or use disinfectant.
- Don’t sneeze or cough into your hands, wear a scarf or a thief. Then immediately dispose of the tissues properly in a closed trash container.
- Stay home if you have a fever and cough.
Minimize contact
- Stay home and minimize contact with people as much as possible. Only leave the house in exceptional situations: shopping for groceries / visiting a doctor or pharmacy / home office is not possible for your work / you have to help other people. Avoid contact with people who have difficulty breathing or coughing.
- Important: no greeting kisses, no hugs, no trembling hands.
- Stay 2 meters from other people, for example, when queuing or in meetings.
- Avoid public transportation and use delivery services.
If you experience symptoms (shortness of breath, cough, or fever), do not advertise and contact a doctor or healthcare provider right away, always by phone first.
stay informed
- Adhere to the rules and announcements of the authorities. Influences Coronavirus: 058 463 00 00, BAG information page: bag-coronavirus.ch