Shock for the canton of Solothurn: traditional company Bimbosan moves to Lucerne – News


  • This is a shock to the structurally weak Thal region in the canton of Solothurn: the traditional company Bimbosan closes its location in Welschenrohr after more than 40 years in the village.
  • Bimbosan has been around for more than 80 years and has been part of the Hochdorf Group in the Canton of Lucerne since spring 2018.
  • The Hochdorf group moves the group to Hochdorf (LU).
  • The Hochdorf Group explains the decision to save around 1 million Swiss francs a year.
Factory in Welschenrohr


In the Solothurn Valley, where the Bimbosan company produced for many years, they were proud of the company.


Baby food manufacturer Bimbosan is moving to Hochdorf because the parent company has abandoned wheat germ production at the Hochdorf location. In the middle of last year, as part of a restructuring, Hochdorf decided to focus on the business areas of “Baby care” and “Dairy ingredients”. This frees up production and storage space that Bimbosan can use from the end of January 2021.

This is a drastic change for Bimbosan AG.

The Hochdorf Group expects “considerable synergies in cooperation, as well as significant cost savings and more efficient processes” from relocation, as it writes. “Since we can only move a few production facilities to Hochdorf and clear off-site storage areas, we expect annual cost savings of around one million francs,” explains Peter Pfeilschifter, Group General Manager, explaining the decision. It is a “sea change” for Bimbosan AG.

About the Hochdorf group

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About the Hochdorf group
  • The Hochdorf Group, based in Hochdorf (LU), says of itself that it is one of the leading food companies in Switzerland.
  • The company has existed since 1985.
  • It produces food from natural raw materials such as milk, whey and oil seeds.
  • Clients include the food industry, as well as wholesalers and retailers.
  • Products are sold in more than 70 countries.
  • Hochdorf Swiss Nutrition AG has been producing various children’s nutrients for Bimbosan AG since the 1970s.

As a result, almost ten full-time jobs out of a total of 20 employees will be lost at Welschenrohr in the areas of production and logistics. Hochdorf offers interested individuals replacement positions within the group if possible, the message said. Not all employees from the canton of Solothurn are expected to relocate to Lucerne Seetal, says the Hochdorf Group. The Bimbosan properties in the canton of Solothurn will be sold.

The Welschenrohr community of Solothurn was not informed in advance about the closure of production. A conversation is planned for Wednesday, said Christoph Hug, a media spokesman for the Hochdorf Group, at SRF’s request. As a publicly traded company, these decisions cannot be communicated in advance.
