Second SG government vote – SP and FDP can defend their seats – News story



Laura Bucher (SP) and Beat Tinner (FDP) have been chosen. The SVP loses its second seat of government with Michael Götte.

On the second vote, three candidates fought for the remaining two seats in the cantonal government of St. Gallen. Beat Tinner of the FDP and Laura Bucher of the SP were chosen.

With Michael Götte, the SVP again lost a second seat in the St. Gallen government. Therefore, the strongest party in the canton is still represented in government only by Stefan Kölliker.

Four old and three new.

The CVP was the only party with Bruno Dammann and Susanne Hartmann to secure their two seats in cantonal government on the first vote. Previous government advisers, who ran for the elections again, were also elected.

Group photo of the St. Gallen government


St. Gallen Government: Freddy Fässler, Laura Bucher, Stefan Kölliker, Bruno Damann, Marc Mächler, Susanne Hartmann, Benedikt van Spyk (Secretary of State), Beat Tinner (from left).

St. Gallen State Chancellery

For the 2020-2024 term, the St. Gallen government is now composed as follows: Stefan Kölliker (SVP), Freddy Fässler (SP), Bruno Damann (CVP), Marc Mächler (FDP), Susanne Hartmann (CVP ), Beat Tinner (FDP) and Laura Bucher (SP).
