The cantons that are totally or partially closing public life are increasing in number. The behavior of the neighbors is also decisive.

Geneva restaurants have been closed again since Monday and many other cantons are doing the same.
Photo: Salvatore di Nolfi (EPA)
And suddenly things happened in rapid succession: after the cantons of Geneva, Jura and Neuchâtel, Freiburg and Vaud also announced on Tuesday that they would be closing again. Restaurants, bars, museums, cinemas, gyms: aRead again.
Unlike in March, this blockade is no longer mandated by the federal government, but canton after canton is resorting to this last resort and, in turn, is pressuring its neighbors to act. This creates a real domino effect from west to east.
When the president of the Geneva government announced the new restrictions on Sunday, she also cast a demonstrative look at the neighboring canton: “Our measures are also a signal for Vaud,” she said. The two cantons are closely related. If movie theaters and restaurants stay open in one, blockade tourism in the other is likely to set in, and the infection curve increases.