Schaffhausen family dies in car accident in Albania – son is in mourning


A white Citroën crashes head-on into a truck on a wet road. Parents and two children died instantly, only the youngest daughter Violeta (3) miraculously survived. The accident occurred on Thursday in Albania, near the small town of Rreshen.

The shock for the bereaved in Schaffhausen runs deep. “I feel like I’m in a bad horror movie!” Says Mirsad Avdijaj (26). He is the eldest son of Blerim Avdijaj († 51) and allows BLICK to display the photographs of the deceased and give their full names. In addition to his father, his second wife Anjeza († 34), as well as his daughter Medina († 6) and Klejdi, aged eleven, Anjeza’s son from his first marriage, also had an accident.
