Rights of persons admitted temporarily: amendment of the Aliens Act: A no for disorder? – News



CVP President Gerhard Pfister presented a motion to the National Council five years ago to prohibit the travel of persons temporarily admitted to their countries of origin. The motion was subsequently referred and, on this basis, the Minister of Justice, Karin Keller-Sutter, drew up a bill, which the National Council debated today.

But Keller-Sutter took a substantial step further with his proposal. It suggests that a general travel ban be applied to persons admitted temporarily. You should no longer be allowed to travel to Germany or France.

50,000 with F-ID in Switzerland

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Pass F


There are currently around 50,000 people temporarily admitted to Switzerland. These are people who fled to Switzerland and applied for asylum here, but were rejected in most cases. However, since they cannot be returned to their countries of origin, they can remain in Switzerland as temporarily admitted persons., Link opens in a new window. Many Syrians, for example, are admitted temporarily.

But the proposal was rejected by an alliance of SVP, SP and Greens. They voted not to enter. The SVP does not go far enough with the proposal. Despite the general travel ban, there are still some exceptions. Children admitted temporarily must be able to travel to a neighboring country if they go on a field trip with their school.

The SP and the Greens reject the proposal because it goes too far. You speak of a “Swiss prison.” Now the proposal goes to the Council of States. This is likely to occur. And it seems that after this first round, the bourgeois parties will still be able to meet in the National Council. Gerhard Pfister then smugly said how the SVP could reject a proposal that should really correspond to them.

Waiting for the next round

Gregor Rutz of the SVP also emphasized that the SVP was not fundamentally against the bill – just small exceptions would have to be eliminated – and passed the ball to the FDP. Signs came from here that they wanted to meet the other bourgeoisie.

In this regard, one wonders if this first round was used simply to create a bit of a fuss. And because they remain in Switzerland for many years provisionally admitted, they would undoubtedly benefit if the easements provided for their integration were not removed from the staff.

Oliver Washington

Oliver Washington

Editor of the Bundeshaus, SRF

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Oliver Washington has been with SRF since 2003. From 2007 he was a member of the Inland editorial team, from 2014 to 2019 reported as an EU correspondent from Brussels. He now works on the editorial team at SRF Bundeshaus. Washington studied sociology, geography, and economic history.

Echo of time, 16.12.2020. 6 pm
