Experts call for greater attention to psychological stress: now BAG is taking action
Corona carries many people emotionally. Crisis communication must take psychological factors more seriously, and not just the risk of infection itself. Now the STOCK EXCHANGE is reacting.
The authorities are increasingly faced with the question of how the Swiss population mentally overcome the crisis. Image: shutterstock
Clarify, appeal, order: the authorities communicate in this triangle during the crisis of the crown. On the one hand, they must think about protecting the population and, on the other, about the economic and social consequences of the pandemic.
But what about very specific social aspects? With fears, depression, suicidal thoughts too? And where is the hope in these dark times? Not only is the pandemic a risk to physical health, it can have serious consequences for mental health.
According to experts, the federal government must position itself more broadly when addressing the population: mental stress must be addressed more in official advertisements and campaigns. This is the conclusion of a new study carried out by the Bass consultancy, specialized in sociopolitical issues, on behalf of the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG).
The study authors examined the influence of Covid-19 on mental health in Switzerland. One of its main recommendations to the authorities is: “Communicate clearly.”
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Be more receptive to uncertainty and social impact
The crisis in the crown affects everyone. That is why what experts call a “protective factor against psychological stress” is needed. This should play an important role in an overall communication package.
Specifically, it is about “preventing uncertainty and showing that not only are the risk of contagion being taken seriously and addressed, but also the social and psychological consequences of protection measures.” This could improve the mental health of the population.
For their research, the experts evaluated studies already available on mental health in times of crown and analyzed the relevant research, also interviewing specialists in science, consulting and care. The experts judged the authorities’ crisis communication, especially in the first phase, as “clear, authentic and understandable”. That conveyed security.
This changed after the extraordinary situation was lifted in June. Since then, from the point of view of some of the respondents, communication “has not gone so well and is sometimes contradictory or confusing.” According to experts, this should be largely explained by the new responsibilities: different cantonal regulations can create uncertainty, even if they are clearly communicated. Criticism of crisis management is often related to the desire for simplification. At the same time, the pandemic is plagued with numerous ambiguities that must be endured.
How the coronavirus arrived in Switzerland: a chronology
BAG is planning measures for the winter months
The task of crisis communication is now “to accept uncertainties and fears and react to them with messages.” For example, you have to convey that risks are part of life, that you should not give up everything out of fear. Fulfilling occupations, making plans, getting outdoors, making connections – those things are important for well-being and mental health.
Therefore, experts recommend that the authorities clearly convey what is still possible despite the restrictions. Walks or conversations on the balcony, for example. They call this “making visible the positive aspects of the crisis and the difficulties that we have overcome together.” In the case of protective measures, the authorities would always have to provide information on how stress and mental stress could be cushioned.
The BAG reacted to the research findings, as information from CH Media’s editorial staff shows. Upon request, your top campaign manager, Adrian Kammer, confirms:
“FOPH is reviewing concepts for communicating mental health and related support offers with partner organizations during the winter.”
At the same time, he stressed that the issue had been on the Office’s agenda for a long time and was already important in the spring. The BAG has financially supported low-threshold advisory services such as Dargebotene Hand or Pro Juventute so that they can increase their capabilities. “Discussions are currently underway with these actors about what kind of support will be required from the BAG in the coming months,” says Kammer.
Finally, the platform will also adapt for the second wave dureschnufe.ch. The website offers simple tips for dealing with difficult situations.
Help offers are used much more frequently
Most of the population seems to have weathered the crisis well so far, as Bass’s study shows. However, stress and mental illness are unevenly distributed. In some population groups, Corona leaves more imprints on the soul.
Experts show that low-threshold offers and information platforms were used much more frequently during the shutdown through the summer months. The daily number of users doubled in some cases. There are also signs that suicidal thoughts have increased as a result of the crisis.
According to experts, factors that can increase psychological stress during the pandemic include unemployment, financial worries, loneliness or family conflict. Especially people over 65 who are socially isolated or who have previous illnesses suffer more from loneliness or a negative mood. Meanwhile, young people in particular are concerned that their contacts with their peers are limited.