If the authorities do not act quickly, the Swiss scientific working group predicts around 550,000 new infections in three weeks.

According to the task force, new measures are needed in Switzerland: passenger trains wearing protective masks at the Bern train station
Photo: Keystone
The scientific working group advising the Federal Council on the Crown crisis is urging the Swiss government to warn of the exponential growth in the number of cases. This stems from a presentation the task force wrote for the Federal Council. It’s in this newspaper.
Based on an estimate made on October 9, the task force’s management team predicts that the daily number of cases will double each week unless the Federal Council takes more action. By mid-November, the number of new infections would be 56,000 per day. For comparison: right now, this value is around 5,000. By November 15, if the task force’s assumptions are extrapolated, around 550,000 more people would be infected with Covid-19. So far, the total number of all laboratory-confirmed cases, that is, since the end of February, is 97,000.