According to media reports, Pope Francis has spoken out in favor of the legal protection of the coexistence of same-sex couples. The 83-year-old Catholic church leader said in a new documentary by Russian director Yevgeny Afineevsky, as the Ansa news agency wrote on Wednesday. The film “Francesco” premiered at the Rome Film Festival.
Homosexuals have the right to be in a family. They are children of God, they have the right to a family, ”the Pope told various media. And he went on to say, without naming a specific country: “We have to create a civil society law. You have the right to be legally protected. ”He supported these demands.
Taking a strong position
Pope Francis had spoken several times on the subject of society, the church, and homosexuality. He always emphasized that homosexuals should not be discriminated against because of their sexual orientation. He attached great importance to family. But according to Catholic doctrine, many representatives of the church emphasized, marriage is reserved for the union of man and woman.
However, there were voices in the Vatican that did not strictly reject gay-lesbian associations. But they drew a clear line between marriage and the recognition of society by civil law. Now the Argentine Francisco, with his testimony as Pope, has taken a strong position within the Church.