Peter Suter, President of the KSA: “The accusations are baseless, inaccurate and absurd” – Canton (Aargau) – Aargau


The previous week, the health department reported that it is investigating the complaints against the Aarau Cantonal Hospital (KSA) and the former chief physician Javier Fandino in a monitoring process. The trigger for the investigation is the supervisory notification from the two former KSA doctors, Andreas Huber and Hanspeter Killer. At the request of AZ, the KSA takes a position on the allegations that are in the room for the first time. The statement of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Peter Suter, in the following wording:

“The KSA will create full transparency on the allegations of Mr. Huber and Mr. Killer and has initiated all necessary investigations. These clarifications will be completed immediately and then communicated in a transparent and complete manner, also beyond the scope of the supervisory procedure.

However, as a first conclusion, it can already be said that the allegations made in this way are inaccurate, unfounded and, in some cases, even absurd.

It is unfortunate that two employees who earned their merit in previous years and have now retired have been carried away by such allegations, which are also technically questionable, despite the fact that they were both members of the KSA Research Council. for many years. In addition, one of the two gentlemen was a member of the hospital leadership and deputy director general of the KSA for many years. In all this time they have not expressed any criticism. So they themselves were responsible. “
