Karoleyne M. * (25), very pregnant, actually just wanted to go shopping with Migros at Suhr AG with her boyfriend. The result of the shopping trip: three arrested, two knocked out teeth, a broken nose. And a few loads of pepper spray on the future mother’s face! A video of the fight between two couples circulated on the Internet (BLICK reported).
A BLICK reader filmed the scenes Thursday outside the entrance to Suhre Park. A Swiss (67) roars at the pregnant woman: «Distance, gopfertammi! The Federal Office has ordered that! His partner (36) has a pepper spray in his hand. When the friend of the pregnant woman arrives, the situation intensifies completely. Fists fly, pregnant Karoleyne M. falls to the ground, hit by a load of stimulating spray.
The Costa Rican explains at a glance what is behind the attack on her. And that the beating started in Migros’ bathroom!
The counterparties have known each other for a year.
When BLICK meets her on Friday, her friend Zivota K. * (39) is still behind bars. The Serb was arrested along with the opposite partner. Because he could have broken his opponent’s nose.
The 25-year-old pregnant still vividly remembers the moment before the fight: “I heard my friend scream. And I saw this couple that we have known for about a year.
The sprayer is the Swiss Lucia P. (36), IV pensioner from Suhr, who was born a man. His partner is Swiss Kurt R., 67, a retired IT specialist known as a PC doctor. The couple lives just a few hundred meters from the crime scene, in an apartment building. “They are looking for a fight with their neighbors and they are very aggressive,” one resident told BLICK.
The conflict with the two had intensified in recent months, says pregnant Karoleyne M.: “I lent Lucia 300 francs, which she never returned.” And also: “When he went to his house to get the money back, he called the police!” But he has already canceled the debt. And since then I never heard from the Swiss couple again. See you on Thursday.
“They harassed me, they wanted to know why I came to your house.” And: “She yelled at me, I yelled at her.” The other couple kept yelling that one should keep a distance. “It was they who followed us.” After all, it was Kurt R., 67, who first became palpable, says Karoleyne M. “He touched me, he pushed me,” she says.
“My friend lost two teeth”
Karoleyne M. can still see her friend throwing a bottle. Then it is hit by the pepper spray. I didn’t see anything else, I collapsed. But I heard my friend and the other fight.
What you can’t see in the video anymore: after all four were hit by dew, they wanted to wash their faces, of all the people in the same bathroom. And met a second time. “I wanted to wash my face and I heard her locked in a cabin.” Another argument arises. The pepper spray is used again. The fists fly again. “My friend lost two teeth,” says the pregnant woman.
She herself goes into labor early after a fall. “But luckily they weren’t strong,” she says. The baby is fine, even if all the tests have not been completed. He has not been able to speak to his father since the incident: “You brought him to the hospital for the laceration. Then he had to go to prison.
The Lenzburg-Aarau prosecutor’s office has opened criminal proceedings against the three on suspicion of a fight.