The comedy series “Parks and Recreation” will return next Thursday. Exciting: The Reunion Special has been filmed entirely on iPhones.
The fake reality comedy series “Parks and Recreation” is back. After a four-year absence, viewers will relish the meanness of Ron Swanson, the lack of interest in April Ludgate and Leslie Knopes … Leslie-Knope-neity next Thursday.
Special: The special was filmed entirely on the iPhone.
Image is not a problem
There’s a lot to be said for “Parks and Rec” filmed on a smartphone. Because the series has used many elements that occur in the genre of reality shows. Above all, a stylistic device should have provided the women and men of the camera with the creator of the series Mike Schur: The Shaky Cam.
If you watch any episode of the series, you will notice that the camera never stops.
This is one of the big problems mobile phone manufacturers are currently facing. With new and improved stabilization technology, on both the hardware and software side, a stabilizer gimbal will become superfluous. But: It is still not easy to keep the image stable and stable, even if the advertising suggests otherwise.
With the Shaky Cam stylistic device, the creators of the series have unknowingly given themselves a huge advantage for mobile filming at the premiere of the first episode in 2009. Back then, the image quality of the Natel camera would not have been enough. , but iPhone users had not had the problem for a long time.
In 2018, Hollywood director Steven Soderbergh made his movie “Unsane” entirely on the iPhone.
Like Soderbergh, the team around Mike Schur only relied on the iPhone for the photo. He tells industry magazine Variety that logistics was difficult in the days of the Covid 19 quarantine, but he also takes a look at the production cards. The cast members received an iPhone in the mail, which is unknown, but I’m expecting an iPhone 11 Pro Max, a light, and microphones. The crew then instructed the cast through zoom. Postponing the special was out of the question for Schur and those involved. Because income from special benefits helps in the fight against Covid-19.
It is not the future of television production.
In an interview with Variety, Schur is asked if filming on the iPhone is “somehow a trend for television series production.” The answer, despite the iPhone movies, is a clear “no”.
But there are no technological reasons for this. Schur: «For me, this is not the way television should be done. This special required a great effort and good will from all involved. The minimum wages and volunteer work of sound designers, cutters, supervisors, and everyone else have only done this this way because it is a fundraiser. It was also fun gathering the crew. But, you know, television is a team sport. From start to finish, these are people and groups who work holistically at the same time in the same place. And that’s why I think the design of the special is not a sustainable form of television production. ”