Opinions on the Zurich “Tatort”: This is how the new Swiss “Tatort” arrived in Germany


Is everything better after the Lucerne crime thriller? A look at the TV ratings and reviews for the first episode of Zurich’s “Tatort”.

The new commissioners of

New “Tatort” commissioners Isabelle Grandjean (Anna Pieri Zuercher, left) and Tessa Ott (Carol Schuler).

Photo: PD

Yesterday the new Swiss had «crime scene» Premiere. Much was written in advance about the film, which is based in Zurich. No wonder «crime scene» it’s still a crowd-shooter even after decades, despite the triumphant advancement of Netflix and other series streaming services. 694,000 viewers then have SRF “Züri brännt” seen, wthat is, the sender reports was a market share of 36,7 percent is equal to.

Swiss «crime scene»-Consequences annotated Always good odds in this country but not so in Germany. High values are important, however you want SRF to ARD, where di.e. Crimea to Primetname lopen, you don’t have to explain it. Furthermore, the Swiss «crime scene» also a showcase for the local film industry, from actresses to screenwriters and other filmmakers.

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