The United States puzzles about the supposed “Obamagate”. Donald Trump (73) resisted several messages on Sunday alleging his predecessor. The President of the United States once commented in a tweet: “By far the greatest political crime in the history of the United States.” Trump did not do exactly what Barack Obama was supposed to have done (58). So much: soon everyone will learn more.
Trump’s allegations are not new. A glance at his Twitter profile shows that the president of EE. USA He had dealt with popular conspiracy theories on the right on Sunday. Trump shared the tweet from a conservative talk show host who said Obama “had spent the past few weeks in office targeting new officials and sabotaging the new government.”
Probably it’s about the Russia issue
The hashtag #Obamagate, which has been popping up on Twitter trends for a few days, should refer to old conservative allegations on the Russia issue. Trump has repeated the mantra in the past three years that he was “treated as badly as no American president before him.” He repeatedly called the investigations “witch hunt.”
Reminder: Special Investigator Robert Mueller (75) spent two years researching Russia’s proven influence in the 2016 US election. In his final report, he exposed collusion between the Trump campaign team and Moscow, but released him from the “conspiracy” charge for lack of evidence. Mueller did not want to compromise on the question of whether the President of the United States had impeded the judiciary.
Trump inspires trial against Flynn
The timing of the indictment, “the largest political crime in the history of the United States,” is not a coincidence. The Russian issue has recently become a problem in the American media again. Last week, the United States Department of Justice called for the trial of former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn, 61, to end. In the course of Russia’s investigation, he admitted that he had lied to the Federal Police FBI and pleaded guilty in December 2017.
In late April, documents emerged related to Flynn’s legal dispute that, in the opinion of Trump and his conservative allies, suggests that Flynn had been duped by the FBI. The handwritten note from an FBI investigator said Flynn had to be told to lie in order to be prosecuted or fired.
Trump also declined to explain Monday
Trump did the same at a press conference on Monday. The “Obamagate” has been around for quite some time. “It’s a shame it happened,” said the President of the United States. “When you look at what happened and when you look at all the information that is published, some terrible things have happened.” This is “just the beginning,” Trump said.
When asked by a journalist, the President of the United States still did not want to explain exactly what he is accusing his predecessor of. His hazy response: “You will see what will happen in the coming weeks.”
Obama on Trump’s Crown Policy: “Chaotic Disaster”
The discussion between the two has reached a new climax. Obama was talking about himself over the weekend. In a conference call with around 3,000 former employees, he called Trump’s handling of the crown crisis is an “utterly chaotic mess.” The conference was not open to the public, but a recording was released to the public, which was posted on the “Yahoo” website. Obama further announced that he would “campaign intensively” for Trump challenger Joe Biden (77).
Until now, the former American president has rarely commented on American policy. But now, six months before the election, the fight for the White House seems to have really started. And as the weekend showed, like 2016, it should be extremely dirty again.
The presidential election will be held in the United States on November 3, 2020. Acting President Donald Trump is aiming for a second term. All current developments on elections and candidates are always available on the news ticker and all articles on the subject can be found here on the United States elections page.
Since Donald Trump was elected 45th President of the United States in 2016, he has been rocking international politics. Keep up to date with all the photos, news and videos from the United States.