Nuclear Physics: Did You Discover a Fifth Fundamental Force?


“If this is confirmed, it would be the biggest discovery in particle physics in recent decades,” Nico Serra told Tages-Anzeiger. Serra is Professor of Experimental Physics at the University of Zurich Physics Institute (UZH) and works at Cern, among other things, with the LHCb detector of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Serra also intervenes: “We still have very little measurement data to know whether the observed deviation from the standard model of particle physics really exists or not.”

The irregularity in focus was first observed at CERN according to a communication on Tuesday 2014: when mesons disintegrate into electrons and muons, the result was not, as the theory requires, one. But the discrepancy was not as clear as it is now, according to Serra. Meanwhile, the same deviations from the expected standard have been found in Japan and the US.

Posted: 23.03.2021, 13:47
