No mercy for the dwarf: EV Zug hits Raron 25 (!) Goals


Around 500 fans are in the derby between Huttwil and Langnau. Image: keystone

No mercy to the midget: EVZ hits Raron 25 (!) Goals

Outsider Raron’s hope for a goblet sensation didn’t last long. EV Zug already had a 3-0 lead in Valais after 71 seconds. After the initial third, the Swiss center-back was 6-0, who achieved the pass. With six goals, Lino Martschini was the top scorer in the guests’ victory 25-1. The loudest cheers were on the local amateurs’ goal: Flavian Wyer scored the consolation goal to make it 1: 6.

The EVZ set a new record with its great victory. The highest Cup victory so far was achieved by Kloten, who won at Rheintal 13-0 two years ago.

EHC Biel also achieved a Stängeli in Valais, although not twice that of Zug. The Zeelanders won in Sion 11: 1, Yannick Rathgeb and Michael Hügli each scored three goals.

Rappi hopefully follow

The Rapperswil-Jona Lakers were almost ashamed. The National League club had to go to extra time at the Swiss League EVZ Academy, where Kevin Clark redeemed the favorite with his second goal, which he won 2-1.

The Academy acted shamelessly, there was no class difference to be seen. Livio Langenegger’s 1: 1 (55th), scored twice, was absolutely fine. In the 59th minute, Zug forward Yves Stoffel shot only Rappi goalkeeper Noël Bader, but Jeremy Wick fouled. The Lakers couldn’t have complained if the umpires had decided a penalty. In this sense, it was also fortunate that the Lakers are in the round of 16.


Raron – Zug 1:25 (0: 6, 1: 9, 0:10)
700 spectators. – SR Potocan / Weber, Stalder / Meusy. – Goals: 1. (0:26) Leuenberger (Zehnder) 0: 1. 1. (0:40) Martschini (Klingberg, Cadonau) 0: 2. 2. (1:11) Stadler 0: 3. 5th big 0 : 4. 9. Hofmann (Díaz, Martschini) 0: 5. 18. Martschini (Klingberg, Senteler) 0: 6. 22. Wyer (Moren) 1: 6. 25. (24:08) Leuenberger (Zehnder, Stadler) 1: 7. 26. (25:52) Martschini (Hofmann, Alatalo) 1: 8. 29. (28:08) Martschini (Klingberg) 1: 9. 30. (29:56) Kovar 1:10. 31. (30:23) Martschini (Hofmann, Kovar) 1:11. 32. (31:18) Klingberg (Cadonau, Martschini) 1:12. 32. (31:42) Schlumpf (Thürkauf, Zgraggen) 1:13. 33. (32:20) Alatalo (Hofmann) 1:14. 36. Zgraggen (Albrecht, Diaz) 1:15. 42nd (41:47) Martschini (Klingberg, Díaz / Powerplaytor) 1:16. 43. (42:39) Stadler (McLeod, Bachofner) 1:17. 44. (43:51) Albrecht (Zehnder) 1:18. 50. (49:23) McLeod (powerful player) 1:19. 50. (50:00) Bachofner (McLeod, Thürkauf) 1:20. 52. (51:18) Zehnder (Leuenberger) 1:21. 53. (52:06) Klingberg (large) 1:22. 54. (53:14) Kovar (Martschini, Hofmann) 1:23. 57. (57:00) Bachofner 1:24. 59. (58:03) Zehnder (Leuenberger, Albrecht) 1:25. – Penalties: 2 times 2 minutes against Raron, none against Zug.

EVZ Academy – Rapperswil-Jona Lakers 1: 2 (0: 0, 0: 0, 1: 1, 0: 1) nV
226 spectators. – SR Wiegand / Nikolic (AUT), Dreyfus / Ambrosetti. – Goals: 51 ° Clark (Schweri, Rowe) 0: 1. 55. Langenegger (Allenspach / in 5 against 3) 1: 1. 63. Clark (Dufner) 1: 2. – Penalties: 3 times 2 minutes against EVZ Academy , 5 times 2 plus 10 minutes (Eggenberger) against Rapperswil-Jona Lakers.

University of Neuchâtel – Lausanne 0: 4 (0: 2, 0: 1, 0: 1)
985 spectators. – SR Ströbel / Jordi, Stuber / Steenstra (CAN). – Goals: 7. Froidevaux (Heldner) 0: 1. 13. Leone (Douay, Jäger) 0-2. 39th hunter (Leone / poorly paid goal!) 0: 3. 50. Maillard (Emmerton, Bozon) 0-4. – Penalties: 3 times 2 minutes against the Université Neuchâtel, 2 times 2 plus 10 minutes (Oejdemark) against Lausanne.

HCV Zion – Biel 1:11 (0: 4, 1: 4, 0: 3)
575 spectators. – SR Dipietro / Hungerbühler, Gnemmi / Burgy. – Goals: 5th (5:00) Rathgeb (Fuchs) 0: 1. 7. (6:58) Hügli (Hofer, Ulmer) 0: 2. 16. (15:49) Rathgeb (Fey) 0: 3. 17 . (16:22) Tanner (circle, Schläpfer) 0: 4. 22. Ullström (Moser / Powerplaytor) 0: 5. 24. Hofer (Fuchs) 0: 6. 30. Rathgeb (Ullström) 0: 7. 32. Stjepanovic (Petkovic, Pottier) 1: 7. 36. Hügli (Sartori) 1: 8. 41. (40:40) Ullström (Fuchs, Hofer) 1: 9. 44. Fuchs (Moser) 1:10. 60. (59:24) Hügli (Nussbaumer, Sartori) 1:11. – Penalties: 3 times 2 minutes against HCV Sion, 1 time 2 minutes against Biel.

Huttwil – SCL Tigers 3: 9 (1: 2, 2: 3, 0: 4)
675 spectators. – SR Lemelin (CAN) / Mollard, Pitton / Gurtner. – Goals: 2nd In-Albon (Andersons) 0: 1. 4. Maxwell 0-2. 7. Patrick Meyer (Kunz, Nägeli) 1: 2. 21. (20:40) Patrick Meyer (Lüdi) 2: 2. 28. Flavio Schmutz (Julian Schmutz / poorly paid goal!) 2: 3. 30. Grossniklaus ( Neukom, Dostoinov) 2: 4. 32nd Neukom (Dostoinov, Berger) 2: 5. 38. Lanz (Ruch) 3: 5. 42. Grossniklaus (Maxwell / Powerplaytor) 3: 6. 46. Maxwell (Huguenin) 3 : 7. 50. Guggenheim (Huguenin, Flavio Schmutz / Powerplaytor) 3: 8. 55. Flavio Schmutz (Julian Schmutz, Blaser) 3: 9. – Penalties: 4 times 2 minutes each.

GCK Lions – Ambri-Piotta 2: 5 (0: 2, 0: 1, 2: 2)
228 spectators. – SR Borga / Nikolic (AUT), Kehrli / Duarte. – Goals: 10. Horansky (Forums) 0-1. 20. (19:45) Horansky (Flynn) 0-2. 39. Müller (Zwerger, Fora) 0: 3. 41. (40:24) Berri (Pius Suter) 1: 3. 53. (52:36) Rohrbach (Zwerger, Müller) 1: 4. 54. (53: 32) D’Agostini (Flynn, Hächler / Powerplaytor) 1: 5. 58. Pius Suter (Andersson, Landolt) 2: 5. – Penalties: 1 half 2 minutes against the GCK Lions, 4 halves 2 minutes against Ambri-Piotta.

Sierre – Friborg-Gottéron 2: 8 (0: 1, 0: 2, 2: 5)
1707 spectators. – SR Tscherrig / Fluri, Altmann / Progin. – Goals: 4. Bykow (Stalberg) 0: 1. 30 Men 0: 2. 36.Schmid (men) 0: 3. 42. Meyrat (Dolana, Castonguay / Powerplaytor) 1: 3. 47. Furrer (Kamerzin) 1 : 4. 49 Bykov (Kamerzin) 1: 5. 51. Mottet (Marchon) 1: 6. 55. Sprunger (Rossi) 1: 7. 57 Schmid (DiDomenico) 1: 8. 60. (59:59) Privet ( Dolana, Fellay) 2: 8. – Penalties: 3 times 2 minutes each.

Thurgau – Kloten 1: 3 (0: 0, 1: 1, 0: 2)
602 spectators. – SR Salonen (FIN) / Müller, Wolf / Betschart. – Goals: 32nd Forget (Ganz, Altorfer / Powerplaytor) 0: 1. 36. Fritsche 1: 1. 58 Simek (Kellenberger) 1: 2. 60. (59:55) Spiller (Faille, Nyffeler) 1: 3 (towards the empty goal). – Penalties: 4 times 2 minutes against Thurgau, 5 times 2 minutes against Kloten.

Thun – Beat 3: 6 (2: 2, 0: 1, 1: 3)
379 spectators. – SR Urban (AUT) / Hendry, Ammann / Nater. – Goals: 2. Messerli (Eicher, Rossel) 1: 0. 11. Van Guilder (Josephs, Sterchi) 1: 1. 15. Reymondin (Gugelmann) 2: 1. 20. (19:26) Sterchi (Josephs, Van Guilder) 2: 2. 38. Van Guilder (Sterchi, Hofstetter / Powerplaytor) 2: 3. 43. Merola (Brügger, Berger) 2: 4. 48. Brügger (Camperchioli, Holdener) 2: 5. 58. (57: 08) Van Guilder (Camperchioli, Sterchi) 2: 6. 59. (58:02) Gyger (Bärtschi, Boss) 3: 6. Penalties: 3 times 2 minutes against the tuna, 2 times 2 minutes against the beater.

Langenthal – Olten 3: 1 (1: 1, 2: 0, 0: 0)
611 viewers. – SR Hebeisen / Piechaczek (GER), Schlegel / Cattaneo. – Goals: 4. Fogstad Vold (Oehen / Powerplaytor) 0: 1. 13. Elo (Maret / Powerplaytor) 1: 1. 22. Luca Wyss (Christians / Powerplaytor) 2: 1. 37.Dähler (Christians, Müller / Powerplaytor ) 3: 1. – Penalties: 5 times 2 minutes against Langenthal, 6 times 2 plus 10 minutes (Philipp Rytz) against Olten. (sda)

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Those would be the logos of Swiss clubs if they were NHL teams

The language of ice hockey is English: cross check, slot and butterfly goalie, box game, icing and empty net. The Swiss leagues are no longer called National League A and B, but National League and Swiss League. Only the clubs still retain their old names.

It’s about time they updated and replaced their HC, SC, and EV with contemporary names!

* Update: users point out that the correct plural is “mouse”. That is, of course, correct. From a small mistake to …

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