The state government’s balancing act: The new measures should work, but not hurt the economy too much.
In recent days they have warned everyone: the restaurant industry, the tourism industry, cultural workers and others. They warned that harsh measures against the virus could threaten their very existence.
“We hope that the government does not completely ruin the restaurant industry,” says Casimir Platzer, president of Gastrosuisse, for example.
“No alternative”
On the other hand, there are the warnings of scientists, who have been proclaiming for days that urgent action must be taken. Martin Ackermann, head of the federal Covid scientific working group, said Tuesday: “In our opinion, there is currently no alternative to drastic measures.”
Therefore, the Federal Council is in a dilemma. It must protect the population, but at the same time it must not completely paralyze the economy. The cantonal economics directors conference insists on this.
Its chairman, Basel government adviser Christoph Brutschin, says the most important thing is to avoid a second shutdown. He hopes “we don’t have to close retail stores again.” And that it is not necessary to close factories and works. The Federal Council must take this into account when selecting its measures.
“Establish minimum standards”
Furthermore, the cantons now look to Bern with interest for another reason. Because currently the measures in the regions are very different.
“The job of the federal government is to set minimum standards. So you know what applies to the whole of Switzerland, ”says Brutschin. “So depending on the local situation, there may be even stricter measures. But certainly not less far-reaching. “
How drastic these minimum standards should be is the big and controversial question. The increasing number of corona cases in recent days has greatly increased the pressure on the Federal Council.