New encyclical: kitsch or social revolution? The Pope divides opinions – culture



In the new encyclical, Pope Francis calls for global brotherhood and an end to the destruction of the planet. But not everyone is excited about it.

«Fratelli tutti. Brotherhood and Social Friendship ”is the name of Pope Francis’ new social encyclical, which has caused a stir since its publication.

After protests, mostly from religious women, the title “All Brothers” was added to the “sisterhood,” rumored by the KNA Catholic News Service.

Conference for humanity

But in the Swiss Bishops’ Conference there are still very few women in the papal letter. Despite the gender-sensitive language, the encyclical mostly quotes men.

What is an encyclical?

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The encyclicals are considered the most important instructive writings of the Popes. In these circulars, the popes comment on fundamental theological and social questions. An encyclical also applies after the death of the Pope.

In the broadest sense, the encyclical on fraternity in solidarity can also be seen as the testament of Pope Francis.

The Swiss Episcopal Conference shares the Pope’s spiritual and political concerns. The encyclical is a “universal call for dialogue.” A “pandemic awareness test.” You could also say: a conference for humanity.

“Given certain current practices of eliminating or ignoring others, we are able to respond with a new dream of brotherhood and social friendship that is not limited to words.” (Encyclical “Fratelli tutti”, at point 6)

The Pope cares about global brotherhood. Once again, he criticizes capitalism and calls for solidarity with all human beings, regardless of gender, ethnicity and religion.

Post-Corona Letter

For the first time since the occurrence of Covid-19, the Pope left the Vatican to sign the encyclical in Assisi. Symbolically, on October 3, the feast of Saint Francis, which represents conscious poverty and friendship with animals. The Pope also worries about life on our planet in his third encyclical.

The “Weltwoche” describes the scriptures as “Socialism of the Sacred Heart”. Kitschy, thinks the economically liberal press. The conservative Viennese evangelical theologian Ulrich Körtner finds it “sub-complex.”

Two men stand up and read the newspaper.


Anti-capitalism, anti-populism and anti-Diegoism: Pope Francis addresses the great issues in his third encyclical.

Getty Images / Franco Origlia

Anti-populism, anti-exclusion

The social encyclical is, of course, well received by ecclesiastical environmental protection and refugee organizations, aid organizations and peace movements. In it you can also find leftist evangelicals and Christian socialists.

The Pope does not appoint any politician or state. His critical pen, however, draws the contours of US President Trump and his “divisive politics.”

Original Christian values

For example, the Pope condemns the death penalty more than ten times when it comes to protecting life. It does not delve into the topic of abortion, which makes American Catholics sit up and take notice. Also because the electoral campaign is in the United States.

The papal critique of “derailing individualism” can also be seen as anti-Trumpist. Also his warning to reopen the borders after closure for people on the run. But it is not necessary.

Because to radically show solidarity with the poor, as Jesus and his successor Francis of Assisi did, is in the truest sense of the word “early Christian.”

For human rights and justice

The novelty is that Pope Francis is inspired by non-Catholics: he quotes the highest authority of Sunni Islam, the imam of Al-Azhar University in Cairo: Ahmad Muhammad al Tayyeb. In 2019 she wrote an article with him on “brotherhood”. The papal letter is now also read in the Muslim world.

Ghandi and Martin Luther King also cite Francis as guarantors of human rights and social justice. You can see: many men.

Like all encyclicals, this masterful circular retains its significance for the Roman Catholic Church. It is doubtful if it has any additional effect. The rich and powerful will know how to ignore them.

SRF2 Culture, Focus on Religion, October 4, 2020, 8:08 am.
