Merkel warns of renewed border closures in Europe


Merkel campaigned for a coordinated fight against the crown pandemic in Europe, government spokesman Steffen Seibert said. (File Image: Keystone)


The EU met on Thursday for the video summit. Angela Merkel spoke out clearly against the renewed closure of borders within the EU.

At an EU video summit, Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke out clearly against the renewed closure of borders within the European Union. Government spokesman Steffen Seibert said on Thursday night, after three hours of discussions with heads of state and government, that Merkel had campaigned for a coordinated fight against the crown pandemic in Europe: “Especially For Germany as a country in the center of Europe, it is important that the borders remain open that there is an economic cycle that works and that we can fight together against the pandemic. “

During the first Corona wave in the spring, many EU countries closed their borders without any prior agreement. Even now there are unilateral entry restrictions again. A week ago, the Danish government decreed that people from Germany can no longer enter the country without a valid reason. This has long been the case for most other countries in Europe. Hungary has almost completely closed its borders to foreigners again.

At the meeting, Merkel also explained the drastic measures to limit contact that will be implemented in Germany in November. Seibert explained that video summits on the corona pandemic will now be held regularly.
