This week, the Council of States ruled in favor of marriage for all. Until now, there has only been one registered union for gay couples in Switzerland. Mia Jenni (SP) takes note of the decision with great satisfaction.
The Juso politician and the Obersiggenthal neighborhood councilor has been campaigning for the rights of queer people – that is, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people – for years. “The yes from the Council of States is an important step that should not be underestimated. However, compared to other countries, it is very late. The fact that seven years have passed since the first initiative in the National Council is encouraging. “
Mia Jenni, who does not hide her bisexuality, is still not entirely happy with Parliament’s decision. Because despite the possibility of being able to marry, same-sex couples are still not on an equal footing with heterosexual spouses. Unfortunately, the step that Parliament has taken does not go far enough. The decision regarding the recognition of children after sperm donation generates legal uncertainty, which especially affects children. “
“A long-term process that not everyone can afford”
Although the Council of States gave the green light to the donation of sperm for lesbian couples, it made restrictions on the proposal of the National Council (which is why the business has now returned to them): The wife of the woman who gives birth to the child is only considered automatically. The mother acknowledged whether the sperm donation went through a Swiss sperm bank.
If, for example, the pregnancy occurs after a private sperm donation or a donation at a foreign clinic, the mother’s wife must adopt the child. “A long-term process that not everyone can afford,” says Jenni. “The problem is: if, for example, the mother dies or disappears for other reasons, the child no longer has an official father, even though the mother was married. The constitutional submission de facto forgets the protection of children. “
Florian Vock from Baden, member of the board of directors of Pink Cross, the coordinating organization for gay and bisexual men in Switzerland: “Many lesbian couples can imagine that a man they are friends with, like a wife’s brother, donates semen . The father of the child would not only be an anonymous donor, but a parent who would have a relationship with the child. In such a case, the mother’s wife must adopt the child. In the case of heterosexual couples, however, the state does not ask who the father is; it automatically assumes that the husband is the producer. “
EDU wants to hold a referendum against marriage for all
The EDU wants to hold the referendum against marriage for all. “I would sign it,” says party member Andrea-Michael Vecchio. Wettinger, 19, says: “For me, marriage represents a binding bond between man and woman. I believe that the God-created institution of marriage between man and woman is timeless and without alternatives.” This personal attitude of mine is based on the Bible. “
However, the central message of the Bible is not marriage, “but the love of God in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ,” Vecchio said. “That is why it is essential not to understand a negative attitude towards marriage for everyone as a negative attitude towards people who are interested in such a marriage.”