Madeleine Amstutz so boldly infiltrated spending money


Madeleine Amstutz (41), Mayor of Sigriswil BE, had submitted expense bills that were too high for years. She even billed the community for attending funerals. Now it turns out that the SVP policy was even more daring: if you compare the expense sheets with public sources, you will see that it has claimed expenses for events in which it could not have participated.

According to the expense report, Amstutz was at the “Panorama Military Discharge Dinner” in Aeschlen BE on November 30, 2017, as she wrote, from 12 noon to 1:15 pm. She charged 50 francs for it. The problem with this: at the time, she was at the Grand Council in Bern. The canton’s parliament paused for lunch from 12 noon to 1.30 p.m. The journey from Bern’s Old Town to Aeschlen takes about 40 minutes, or one hour and 20 minutes round trip.
