LZ-Quiz # 31: Do You Know These 25 Schwyzer Expressions?


Test your knowledge of typical Schwyz expressions, some of which have almost been forgotten, in our quiz.

The dialect in Switzerland is extremely diverse. Even within the cantons, there are already differences in colloquial expressions. This is also the case in the canton of Schwyz; therefore, it is quite possible that an expression included in this questionnaire is pronounced differently in the canton capital than in Einsiedeln or in Muotathal, for example. The expressions also change over and over again over time and are sometimes only used by the oldest semesters between you. How many of the 25 expressions in the questionnaire do you know?

Is that how it works

  • Click the arrow in the blue field to start the test.
  • There is only one correct solution per question.
  • For each correct answer you will receive 5 points. The maximum number of points is 125 points.

Schwyzer expressions

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